Arguments against the Fed

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Avid_Consumer, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Hydro,

    You just proved my points in your last post.
    #21     Aug 9, 2006
  2. DannoXYZ


    No problems because the Fed will just print as many dollars as needed out of thin air...
    #22     Aug 9, 2006
  3. No, they print money out of paper on a press. It really isn't as mystical as you make it seem.
    #23     Aug 9, 2006
  4. No I did not, you feel that dollar is the preferred currency that EVERYONE wants and that is simply not true anymore. Just because US bonds get absorbed, it does not mean the nations buying them are making free decisions without any "persuasion" and pressure. The fact is that nations like China, Russia and especially OPEC nations have been slowly rebalancing reserves, some much more quietly than others.

    Like I said, the US bonds will not go on the market unless there is a VERY strong prediction of exactly what will happen, such as China, Japan and some domestic institutions buying the bonds. US cannot afford to risk to just throw out the bonds on the market and then see what happens. Cause if there is the slightest clue that there is not a good appetite for them, the avalanche begins.

    I hope you realize what the current conflict in the Middle East is really all about. There is a nation in the Middle East that is making a direct attack on the dollar and the Bush administration is doing what they should be to defend.
    #24     Aug 9, 2006
  5. Aren't most US Fed chairman Jewish, and most bankers jewish?
    is the us financial system run by jews?

    I mean no disrespect to Jews, just making point.
    #25     Aug 10, 2006

  6. You are correct the war in Iraq was about the US dollar. We are so vulnerable it makes me sick, debt debt debt.
    #26     Aug 10, 2006
  7. well, am not jew and don't believe in taboos but... make it then...

    here's the list of US Fed chairmen
    which ones are jewish pls? whats your definition of 'most' btw?

    and where is the data for yr other 'points'? unless u were talking thru yr ass of course...

    and when you're done with all this, plse explain the relevance of your point, if it IS relevant, of course, otherwise don't bother...
    #27     Aug 10, 2006
  8. I was hoping to get some answers to my questions.
    #28     Aug 10, 2006
  9. u naughty boy :mad:
    #29     Aug 10, 2006
  10. I think the notion that the financial system is run by non-elected officials is a very quaint, but old and pre-1960's concept.

    Since the 1960's equality for everyone (regardless of what you know, what you have accomplished, or what you stand to loose) has become the mantra of policital correctness. Everyone votes, even if that means a van picks up 10 welfare recipients and gives them smokes, wine, etc. to go vote, and brings them back to the curb that they live on.

    The Fed chairman and the Tres Secy are nothing more than "dog and pony" guys for the folks who spend the money in the US: Congress.

    I used to work for a large bank and they clearly lobby for their interests (bankruptcy laws, etc). But at some point, the multinationals move on, and Congress does the bidding of those who will re-elect them.

    So, didn't you take History in High School? This is democracy in action.
    #30     Aug 13, 2006