Are you ready to convert?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AKHENATON, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Idiot...Zionist filth like you always claim to represent the Jewish relegion.

    Zionist like you who charges like an injured bull when ever Jews come out and expose you as the hijacker of their relgion.

    Unlike a coward like you, I am a proud Arab speaking Palestinian.
    #21     Feb 29, 2008
  2. Idiot...Zionist filth like you always claim to represent the Jewish relegion.
    LOL Zionists have never claimed to represent the Jewish religion, the founding fathers of Zionism were not religious and the movement to establish a jewish homeland in Palestine never had anything to do with religious beliefs. Zionists do claim to represent the dreams and aspirations of the jewish people though and rightly so. Personally I have never claimed to represent anyone as I already stated in my previous post.

    Zionist like you who charges like an injured bull when ever Jews come out and expose you as the hijacker of their relgion.
    99% of the jews support the state of Israel and are therefore hardcore zionists. Deal with it.

    I am a proud Arab speaking Palestinian.
    You're proud, huh? What are you proud of? Oil prices, terrorism, spread of wahabism, the beheadings of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl? Perhaps you're proud of the number of children murdered by your brethren in Beslan or the number of dead australians in Bali or the hatred between the shia and sunni in Iraq. Perhaps you're proud of Paris and Denmark riots and 9/11, perhaps you're proud of the fact that all 23 arab countries and virtually all muslim countries are dictatorships and theocracies. I am sure you're proud of your culture and the fact that it's been more than 1000 years since your tribe's last positive contribution to humanity. No wael, suicide belts don't count as a positive contribution... bummer, isn't it.
    #22     Feb 29, 2008