Are you ready to convert?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AKHENATON, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. I would like to respond to this one first.
    I have been explaining how the world is a symptom of mental illness.
    If God is all there is, then the mental illness is in the mind of God.
    That is, if oneness is comprehensive, pervasive, ubiquitous and unbreakable, then it must be God who is having these problems.

    So, in a sense, we are in agreement here.
    If God is all there is, then we must be both the good god and the god having the problems that we call 'evil'.

    I have explained that salvation arrives when we wake up to the fact that we are doing this to ourSelf, and it is a mind trick...a powerful mind trick...a sadistic, masochistic mind trick. It sooo tricky, that even using words like "we", "us", "them" confuse the issue, and trap the mind in perpetual non-onenessness. Using words at all is inherently misleading.

    The trick begins with a kind of self-imposed ignorance, opening the door to deception. Let me ask you, what kind of experiences do you think this kind of mind trick will yield? Before ignorance, savagery could not be comprehended.

    The Self deception is beyond the comprehension of any individualized aspect of mind involved in the trick sometimes called 'illusion'. What does not consider itself to be the Self, can be tricked, manipulated, programmed, hypnotized, and victimized. Yet, nothing can happen to Self that it does not invite. There are no accidents in destruction, and there are no accidents in salvation.

    This Self has invited sadness, suffering, pain and pathetic pathology upon itSelf. It accomplishes this through the conjuring of multiple self concepts giving rise to a legion of bodies. These concepts are not concieved for anything other than mischief. You don't go to masquerade parties to be 'good', do you? You put on the mask to be 'bad', 'naughty', and/or mischievious.

    And this is "anti-Christ". It is a way for "Christ" to be anything other than Himself, and to hide his oneness through the convincing appearance of 'many'. Yet Christ is all, and while his oneness can be hidden with masks, it cannot ever be broken or changed.

    Christ is spirit, immortal, infinite, innocent, and knows nothing of pain. Therefore, the 'anti-christ' is crucified as guilty and dies as a finite body. This is the picture of the whole world, each suffering with his own cross, his own self-styled method of torture. There is no rhyme or reason for it except to experience the opposite of Self/reality for the hell of it.

    This is not the will of our Father. But it is his will to give us anything we ask. We've asked for hell. "Thy will be done" is the answer. And from what we want, God cannot save us. What the Son believes will remain as long as he believes it, exactly as he believes it to be. He believes himself guilty, and the physical world arises as a reaction/solution/salvation. It justifies and proves what he believes is true. And it saves him from a worse fate...or so he believes. It is entirely a belief, made to replace reality with nothing.

    To accomplish this impossible feat, Christ must set up a false God in place of his Father. The belief in 'two' Gods leads logically to three, four...hundreds of gods. It gets confusing. But then, confusion is needed to pull this off. The consolidation of many gods into "one" very confusing god, is still a belief in 'two', with schizophrenic tendencies. The one is dissociated, denied, repressed and forgotten. This leaves one hell of a bi-polar god to deal with. This is the god of this world. It is a thinking machine, giving birth to thinking machines, making a mockery of the Son of God before attempting to kill him.

    Thus, we make the god of this world. It, in turn makes and breaks self-concepts after its own likeness. We identify with these concepts, accept them, even cherish them for a little while. But like all toys, they are eventually put away. Self returns to our awareness and the toys are forgotten like a bad dream.

    Who then is raping, and who is being raped? It is the same mind, masquerading as 'two'. It pretends to be the innocent victim on the one hand, and shifts guilt to an attacker on the other. Back and forth goes this macabre dance, as "experience" accumulates.

    Stay in this world and you have reason to fear. Exodus the world and you have nothing to fear. The world is nothing. Certainly, it cannot destroy the Son of God, and so it canot destroy you. See the futility of the masquerade, and the cost of complying with the world's strange laws, and salvation will come your way.

    Paganism is fundamentally a belief in two gods, one real, one unreal. The unreal god makes this world, and the pagans worship its handiwork. They do not realize that what they see is a form of vengeance. To value it is to value vengeance. There is nothing 'sacred' about places, objects, bodies, energy or consciousness. These are made as an attack on God, and therefore an attack on Self.

    #11     Feb 29, 2008
  2. I know that you are trying to promote an agenda acronym. I know that because you lied before about somthing to promote that agenda and you've expressed racist views that were anything but logical.

    With a guy like you, I do not think I could have a decent debate.
    #12     Feb 29, 2008
  3. LOL, I just can't believe it, Wael of all people (having made 5000 anti-Israeli posts) is accusing others of having an agenda. And I bet he is completely unaware of the irony of his accusations. Yes, he is that dumb.:D :D :D
    #13     Feb 29, 2008
  4. i believe in one god but more than he is sick he is incompetent

    believing in him, not believing in him, it's the same, it won't change anything, cause he can't

    he's like a jerk who puts all his money into starting a business, but is unable to run it, cause he is a fucking loser

    god being incompetent doesn't make humans capable either, how humans believe in god doesn't make humans stronger or weaker, cause they are weak enough, and can't become capable of much, what do you expect from such a loser but cheap products like humans

    what is the point of supporting or defending humanity, either there is life after death or there isn't, if there is, then why worry about humans, when they die they will be in another place, if there isn't, when i die, i won't know if others exist or not, so why care now if they will exist or not

    what is all this exaggeration over humanity, as if there something special about humanity only it's hidden, to be revealed in the future

    promises promises and fucking promises

    all this is bullshit, like it always was, this is it, this is humans and humanity, just look around you, take a look at those ugly faces and forms, take a look at your pathetic neighbors, think about all the cheap billions of humans around the world, there is no secret, this is it, this all that there is to humanity
    #14     Feb 29, 2008
  5. I come straight out and spit in your zionist face without hiding my dislike to your like and your filth. That is the difference idiot.
    #15     Feb 29, 2008
    #16     Feb 29, 2008
  7. ya I understand that, but if you read carefully (according to the post) there is no point in self preservation either

    I really don't care if I die now, or whenever, I don't give a fuck

    this life doesn't suck, but it's not fun either, it's just plain fucking retarded
    #17     Feb 29, 2008
  8. That you act like an animal is not in dispute, you do represent your islamofascist Hamas/Al-Qaeda loving tribe after all. No wonder they build walls around your ilk in the middle east, no wonder your tribe was kicked out of Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and not by the jews but by your arab brethren.

    It still does not change the fact that for you to accuse others of having an agenda you have to be completely out of touch with reality.
    #18     Feb 29, 2008
    #19     Feb 29, 2008
  10. I have never claimed to represent anyone but myself... unlike you who while living in Canada keeps referring to Arabs as "my people". You're a stinking islamofascist Canadian fifth-columner.
    #20     Feb 29, 2008