Are you a remote trader

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Mach4-1, Sep 4, 2009.

Remote trader with 5+ years experience?

  1. Yes

    20 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. Mach4-1


    Hi RN,

    That elusive red herring has led many fishermen into the wrong Sea with the end result for most being the perfect storm!

    Whilst you are of course correct in saying that it is better for one to concentrate on one thing at first, in order to stop jumping all over the place, it can, and "can" is the key word, be beneficial to be able to trade several markets.

    The reason is simple, as I see it - at any one time there are different opps in different markets.

    Stocks can, and will, do their own thing depending on the news (earnings, insider deals, take-overs, etc, etc).

    Options can be over / undervalued depending on how fast and how far the underlying moves.

    Index Futures attract the big money - so one must be prepared for big moves in either direction!

    Commodities are subject to supply and demand based on consumer needs - although recently it appears that mass speculation has now increased dramatically in many of the common ones.

    FX, from what I read, is attracting an untold number of automated trading strategies - which can result in some major corrections in a very short time period.

    In summary, all that I am saying is that if one decides just to trade, say, a limited number of stocks, then the potential earnings are limited to how much movement the stocks make.

    Track a few more markets and a few more opps will arise, that is for sure, but as always, no gain without the pain - it is damn hard work and harder than any normal job where you don't have to use your brain that much :D


    #11     Sep 8, 2009