Are walther's trading calls accurate or not?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Silvain Garnea, Dec 3, 2003.

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  1. walther the waffler says,

    "As a service to all ET members I would like to know, who feels that my call for 14:00 trade in SP500 was worthless for trading.

    All those who couldnot trade it should be placed on ignore list which will save all member tremendous amount of time by not wasting their time by reading those cobblestone heads posts.
    I am glad that i proved to the doubters that dbphoenix is a complete zitbrain with no actual trading experience and genetic defect which prevents him from any logical thought.
    Thanks for a ignore feature, no more physical pain from contact with infinite ignorance ."

  2. which means he voted, and his alias too.
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