Are those who oppose outsourcing racist?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Ash1972, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. 1prometheus
    Creative aptitude and the ability to execute on an idea is more valuable today than formal education.

    Now we're getting somewhere.:D
    #51     Jan 26, 2011
  2. olias


    what makes them our jobs? Just because a company is in the US, why should the jobs have to stay in the US? Do you think those jobs should also stay in the same state? ....I totally disagree, they are not 'our jobs'. They belong to the company and fill those jobs wherever they choose.

    But it's up to thirdworlders to overthrow their own despots, implement true market reforms, and build their own wealth. [/QUOTE]

    Let's hope they do. Let's support them in that.
    #52     Jan 26, 2011
  3. zdreg


    #53     Jan 26, 2011
  4. #54     Jan 26, 2011
  5. olias


    That's a good question. I haven't given it much thought til now. I'd really have to think about and hear some different perspectives before making up my mind. At this point I'd probably say, in this case, the jobs should stay local.

    You may have found the exception to the rule, but in most cases I still say 'they are not 'our' jobs just because the company is in the US.
    #55     Jan 26, 2011
  6. olias


    ...furthermore, bitching out 'outsourcing' US a waste. It's not going to change.

    The room is dark...are you going to stand about and bitch about the dark, or are you going to look for a candle?
    #56     Jan 26, 2011
  7. zdreg


    the people who are against outsourcing are not capitalists. capital does not recognize borders but seeks the highest return on capital.

    further there are defects in the american enviroment both political, social and economic which has resulted in this outsourcing issue. I have asked a number of times on various threads why is it possbile that Germany with high cost labor runs a trade surplus with china?
    why do the countries of South East Asia, who are richer than China, run a trade surplus with China?I have never received an answer. there are straight forward answers to this questions but Americans of late like to whine unlike their forefathers of the greatest generation, the one that saved the world from the nazis.
    #57     Jan 26, 2011
  8. Ooops, sorry, thought this was a Klan meeting.
    #58     Jan 26, 2011
  9. achilles28


    You're arguing for the economic and strategic demise of America.

    Congress has an obligation to protect the nations industry from unfair competition via duties and tariffs. It abdicated that responsibility at the behest of Fortune 500 corporations - who literally paid them off - and resulted in a vast dismantling of the greatest industrial power the world has ever known.

    The consequences of that will soon be at our doorstep, as the crushing debt this husk of an economy was kept alive on (while it was packed up and put on the slow boat to China), will soon come due and rates inevitably rise. There's nothing left but serviced based shit. There's no way to outgrow it, or "export" our way out it. The math on that is ~10% growth, YOY.

    The problem is free trade doesn't work out the way it was taught in your econ 101 class. Rich countries transferred ALL their technology to poor countries so now all the export jobs America was supposed to have in this free trade Utopia (like cars and computers) are now done overseas, and those "exports" imported back here !!! This is why America lost 12 million jobs and they ain't coming back. It's also why China's economy went from 500 Billion to 6 Trillion in 15 years.

    The American Government and Fortune 500 got together and sold the Country down the river to the Communist Chinese for 15 years of sick profits and an inevitable inflationary tsunami. Is that what you support?

    They must fight their own battles. As we have, ours.

    Occupations don't insight revolution. Revolution has to be indigenous. Otherwise the cultural change (MORALS) indispensable to lawful, free societies never materialize. They have to want it.
    #59     Jan 26, 2011
  10. achilles28


    Yes, it is.

    Replacing 100 Americans at 50 dollars an hour, for 1000 Chinese at 2 dollars an hour is wealth redistribution.

    The productive output hasn't changed. Merely the laborers and their cost.
    #60     Jan 26, 2011