Are there any good trading styles out there

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by traderme, May 6, 2003.

  1. I guess the strategy part of a trading style would be to make money using an approach to be increasing your efficiency by stages as time goes by.

    The second strategy aspect would be to utilize capital in different time durations. The three I use are intraday , short term and IT.

    I found that after a time that there are upper capital limits for intraday and short term. The excess capital has to be moved strategically to the the IT area where there is not too much in the way of limitations.

    Strategically the best move in the short term and IT are watching very closely the money velocity of your streams of money. After a while you will find it a good idea to rotate or swap holdings by always striving for the highest continuing money velocity.

    My guess, for you at this point, is that you haven't come up with an approach anywhere in stocks as yet. Strategies in specific approaches will will let you double your efficiency many times over.

    Look at the thread "is there anything..blah blah stochastics." You will see there that many posters do not know that stochastics is a relative indicator; they compare it to absolute indicators and they also suggest that their approaches only work under certain conditions. This is a non strategic way of thinking by enlarge. You will be stuck as they are if you have a bunch of myths that are real for you. It is very important to get beyond the mythical bullshit these guys live with.
    #21     Jun 1, 2003
  2. Here's a simple overall chart
    #22     Jun 1, 2003
  3. traderme


    jack hershey

    You made a good point I don't really use any strategies.
    money managment is the only strategy i use
    I want to learn how to scalp listed stocks. Currently i am trading Nasdaq. and so far so good. If any one is interested i can give a few points its not hard once u get past the emoition.
    But thank u for your reply
    #23     Jun 2, 2003


    #24     Jun 2, 2003