Are the Tea Party people really worse then the left?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. Maverick74


    I have to admit over the last year I have seen some pretty ugly and offensive signs at tea parties calling Obama a socialist and a marxist and what have you. Really scary stuff. What I have not seen are these signs that were directed at Bush from the left. I pose one question and one question only. If the tea party did this to Obama, what do you think would happen?









    I'm just asking. It's a fair question.
  2. The difference is that the people advocating the killing of Bush are tolerant people.
  3. Maverick74


    Crickets chirping...
  4. wjk


    Are you waiting for an answer from the left? I think they have much greater concerns at present.

    I would answer your question by asking if you've watched the MSM over the last year or so, because they've been talking as if that's how the tea party activists have been behaving all along.

    I agree with you that some signs have been over the edge, especially those carried by left wing plants (and I’m not talking about the factual signs regarding socialism).
  5. Eight


    the leftists here on ET choose which threads will continue by responding to them...
  6. All these people should be executed without trial
  7. Isn't that part of the New World Order?
  8. Maverick74


    Well, I thought maybe our friends on the left would have something to contribute since they have started 10 to 20 tea party are racists threads in the last few weeks. Funny how now they have nothing to say. BTW, I was being factitious about the offending tea party signs. Yeah Grandma holding up a sign of Obama saying we want our country back pales in comparison to the violent shit the left puts out there at their protests.

    I'm just wondering what kind of round the clock coverage we would be getting from the major new networks and MSNBC and CNN if tea party protesters were calling for Obama's death and hanging him in effigy.
  9. wjk


    I'm thinking the same as we've been getting...racist and extremist, though certainly at a higher frequency.

    The silence of the left regarding your question speaks louder than words.
  10. Maverick74


    You know what I have noticed? The left seems to travel in packs. Once one responds, then ten will jump in. But they are afraid to travel alone. So if one of the lefties has homework to do and the trash to take out, then all the other lefties lay low. I'm starting to miss Zzz. Whatever happened to him?
    #10     Nov 1, 2010