Are the golden years of wall street and the stock market over?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Lloyd W. Coutee, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. I don't know why but I feel like the golden years of wall street and it's extravagant lifestyle are over. I mainly refer to 1980-2000.
  2. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor

    I agree. The easy money is gone. Now you need more education, more skills and unless you are running your own business, the pay for employees is not the same vs the cost of living.
  3. ktm


    The game has certainly changed and as rmorse said - it's harder, but there are still opportunities. Perhaps in different methods and environments. It's certainly not in vogue to be Gordon Gekko any more so those that are coining it are doing so more quietly.
  4. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    These are long term cycles. So yes, probably, for many people, they would not know during their career a new golden age.
    But since the stock exchange was created, there were many golden age for investors / traders.
    History doesn't repeat but it does rhyme. Mark Twain

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  5. zdreg


    "the pay for employees is not the same vs the cost of living."
    yet people live. how is this possible?
  6. speedo


    People live in cardboard boxes in the alleyways of the is that possible?
  7. the golden years on Wall Street ended way back when they deregulated. Wall Street is just a tv backdrop for cnbc. But I would say for me as an independent trader trading from home somehwere in flyover, it's never been better.
  8. botpro


    Definitely not. It's currently just going thru a weak phase, everbody is cautious because of the slowing of China's economy.
    Another factor is: the US justice can easily accuse everybody of market manipulation with its new laws and the total surveillance by NSA, FBI, SEC.
    So people are cautious...
    It all depends mostly on China, as there is still a very big potential for growth.
    The US will get its share of that, and then the markets will tank again, as they always did from period to period...
    The gratest benefactor will be the options industry as there is still way much potential for growth.
    Imagine: the Chinese have only recently begun to using options in trading, IMO a gigantic market in China still in the early stages of development and growth...
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  9. To each his own, the easy money of riding the trend up to infinity probably.
    But high volatility to me like 2011 and 2015 is a golden year.
    Zodiac4u likes this.
  10. botpro


    Exacly! Many people don't understand volatility.
    A simple example: a stock opens the day at 100, and closes it also at 100. So most people think it doesn't make any move.
    Technically it is true. But what counts is the activity throughout the day! It usually makes zig-zack movements, up and down, up and down.
    And one of the arts of trading is to make profit of these intraday movements...
    #10     Feb 23, 2016