Are Paid (or Free) Alert Services / Newsletters Worth It?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by jmFightSpam, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Hi,

    I am curious if anyone has any experience with any paid or free alert services or daily trading newsletters, and can provide their experience with them?

    In the end, I am looking to see if there is one that is good enough to use in my trading forays -- which is not daytrading, but can be short term enough where buying and selling stocks based upon the recommendations of an alert service could be done.

    Here are some examples, in case my question is confusing:
    Jim Cramer's Action Alerts Plus (
    Motley Fool Stock Advisor (

    Thanks a lot.
  2. I subscribe to:
    Jake Bernstein's Weekly Commodity Newsletter
    Larry McMillan's Weekly Option Strategist.

    Yes, I find them both useful and have always renewed my subscription to them.

    The reason I like them is because they furnish viewpoints that I do not get in any mainstream media outlet or anywhere in the internet.

    Both newsletters furnish buy and sell recommendations and I do NOT follow either of them without doing my own research first.

    I use their recommendations as pointers; ideas and theses for my future trading. I use their recommendations as starting points for my own research.

    I have a friend who has used Jim Cramer's Action alerts the same way; as a newsletter furnishing ideas more than specific "BUY THIS NOW" type of trading.

    My own problem with Jim Cramer is that his newsletter recommendations and his TV recommendations do NOT always match the investment philosophies described in his books. this is both sad and perplexing. Jim Cramer's books are useful, easy-to-follow and very practical. My suggestion? Try out his newsletter for 30 days. But if you are more inclined to his investing philosophy/style, then combine what you learn from his books, all of which are useful, with your own investment style, or simple CANSLIM (ref: William O'Neal).

    Hope this helps.
  3. paden


    Yes, they are

    If nothing else, it can give you trade ideas that you didn't see.

    i.e. I used his trade recommendations, but not his trade setups. Only when those stocks hit my setups would I initiate the trade (past tense, I switched to futures).
  4. I have been forwarded a newsletter from these guys.
    They made a good call on the USD and gold this last few weeks.
  5. Cuddles
