Are Corporations now too powerful for our own good?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by TheDudeofLife, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. Have they grown too big? I suspect they have. They sure seem to have too much influence over the media and government. Would legislation to take back some of their powers go a long way to improving the lives of the average person? I know it may may prevent some millionaires from becoming billionaires, but some folks just gonna have to suck it up.
  2. "Have they grown too big? I suspect they have. They sure seem to have too much influence over the media and government. Would legislation to take back some of their powers go a long way to improving the lives of the average person?"

    Yes they have grown too big but legislation is the source of the problem under the guise of scales of economy. It is much easier to have the govt conform the corps when there are just a few who set standards.

    We've been punked.