Apple remembers GE, issues credit card

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Pekelo, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. I think you are either totally out of control or outright stupid. Here is why I say this: you started talking out of nowhere how I seemingly attend weddings of divorced individuals who re-merry. I made the point that if the divorced individual's former spouse was an unbeliever and sought a divorce then there is nothing unbiblical for such individual to remerry. I believe you are able to find the exact reference in the Bible.

    Now, you change topic once again and start talking about whether or not it is biblical for a believer to divorce someone or not. Different topic, totally different issue. You are constantly twisting issues like this.

    I made a cynical comment which did not sit right with you. You did not find it funny, I did. Different sense of humor. Where something is said, to whom, in which context, does matter for humor. Whether you like it or not.

    Are you actually gay? You yourself wrote in your first post in this thread "What you gotta ask yourself is why in the world one would be so hung up on gay people that you'd have to work that last sentencein?". Can you revisit the last 1.5 pages tomorrow or so and tell me whose nut is drawn to other nuts like a magnet?

    I leave it at that and decide not to entertain your out of control tirades anymore

    #11     Mar 28, 2019
  2. Sig


    Surprised it took you so long to get to the "you must be gay then" line of "logic". That's the go-to ad hominem attack for bigots of all types. I wish I could say I was, since my sexual orientation doesn't change the bigotry of your statements a bit. However it turns out I have actual morals and one of those is that I can't lie and I happen to be a straight white guy married 20 years (to my first wife) with two kids. Funny thing is I would equally passionately attack your bigotry if it was aimed at Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, women, Hindus....but according to your impeccable logic that must make me all of those things? And I'm the one who's "outright stupid"?

    Are you truly proud to say "The only explanation on Apple's end I have is that probably the entire upper management is taking it up the arse from their pink CEO" is not bigoted, not judgmental, a funny joke? Proud enough that you're going to tell that "joke" to Jesus in your prayers tonight? Proud to say that "tell me whose nut is drawn to other nuts like a magnet?" is not judgmental, not bigoted, what, another funny joke?

    If so, then congratulations, you've gotten my bigger point! Bigots like you are corrosive shareholder value destroyers in companies, especially tech companies. Not to mention folks with such a tenuous grasp on basic logic. We don't want you, and it's in our best interest that you self identify and hopefully either never start working for us in the first place or leave if you do. So we design HR policies that cost almost nothing that do exactly that. And you're proof they're working exactly as designed!
    #12     Mar 28, 2019
  3. kmiklas


    If you are going to follow Jesus, you should expect crucifixion.
    #13     Mar 28, 2019
  4. For a straight white guy you talk an awful lot about homosexuality and gays. Must be a special interest of yours.

    #14     Mar 28, 2019