AP Investigation: Banks sought foreign workers

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Compulsive, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Illum


    Not they solved a different problem. Corporations outsourced every job they could. They needed some jobs in America unfortunately. So they outsourced within our boarders.
    #11     Feb 1, 2009
  2. #12     Feb 1, 2009

  3. Blagojevich knows better than anyone else of why you never mess with the banks. Blago thought he had enough pull to call for a boycott of BAC. he should have taken the path of Bush and Obama. At least they are smart enough to know who is master.
    #13     Feb 1, 2009
  4. Ignorance, is what prevented you from a "great engineering career." I spent many years in the engineering arena, and your descriptions are only appropriate for Dilbert, not for reality. None of it rings true. The US unemployment rate among engineers has been something like 2-3% for many years.
    #14     Feb 1, 2009
  5. As to most of the posts within this thread, it is like listening to a group if 8th graders in the boy's room arguing whose is longer.

    The US unemployment rate of engineers has always been very low. If engineers were not brought here, as many companies demanded to fill hard-to-fill roles, the ENTIRE function could get outsourced permanently, completely losing the benefits of those jobs. Having immgrants here doing this is far better.

    Try studying business economics 101.

    As to the responses, I cringe at the simpleton responses if it continues in the same path as many posts above.

    I already put mach007, hadtoughLife and Illum on ignore. Raised the IQ of this thread by 40 points, alone...
    #15     Feb 1, 2009
  6. 1) Banks REQUESTED visas for 21,800 workers. Number of visas they actually RECEIVED is much much less. Because total amount of H1B visas granted in a year is something like 50,000. But the big number looks better in headlines.

    2) As the patriotism tsunami takes over the world, America will be the biggest loser. Imagine other nations throwing McBurgers to the trash (where they belong), replacing Windows by Linux, Boeing by Airbus etc. And pulling quazillions of dollars of foreign capital from US banks accounts.
    #16     Feb 1, 2009
  7. That Economics 101 trade class really provided great insight into the reciprocity of foreign trade. And what jobs came into the US while domestic companies were busy outsourcing? Any jobs?

    I'll go with Buffet and the Columbia U school of education that the US will wind up being a country of sharecroppers and/or a colony of China.
    #17     Feb 1, 2009