anyone watch oats?

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by battle river, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. may and july are almost at$3 a bushel. the funds pushing it for sure but i think it might be getting overdone. any ideas. later
  2. I just got out of a 2OK7-CK7 spread (yesterday, at least a day too early, apparently). I got out because it looked like oats were starting to get into a range where there might be some resistance, and the oat/corn spread was as well. But, it didn't really seem to slow it down today.

    Oats are a hard market to read, but they've lagged so far behind the other grains, it seems logical for them to play catch up. Are they caught up? I dunno, I'm out and waiting to see what happens. :)
  3. thanks. i guess when the funds get twitchy anything can happen. i'll watch again friday for a sell reaction.oats,hogs and beer for friday.