Anyone trade the ICE FANG contract today ?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by ajacobson, Nov 8, 2017.

  1. ajacobson


    Did anyone put a toe in the water?
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Future’s contract? How long has that been out?
  3. Overnight


  4. bpr


    why not go all the way single stock futures irritating ..
  5. Maverick74


    There are single stock futures.
  6. ajacobson


    I'd do a detailed explanation of why we don't use SSF, but David Downey is an old friend and would probably TP my house. Looks like I may end up being the pioneer in FANG. I'll post my experience.
    sle likes this.
  7. sle


    Looks like there is real size trading there :D
    ajacobson likes this.
  8. bpr


    they are yet to catch steam ... I thought may be CME or ICE will do it better as they have better experience
  9. ajacobson


    Too many here actually believe a trade is selling an older car for merely a used car.
  10. Maverick74


    Why do you want them? The leverage? To someone who is a long term holder they don't make sense tax wise and for a short term holder the slippage will get you.
    #10     Nov 8, 2017