Anyone living in sparely populated and quiet area?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by maxinger, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. maxinger


    Anyone living in sparely populated area?

    My bucket list is to live in a sparely populated area,
    where it is very peaceful,
    very quiet,
    very serene,
    very blissful,
    very natural

    where is this place on earth?
  2. wrbtrader


    Yes but only part-time (skiing, hunting, vacations with children, 3-4 day weekends, re-energize).

    Won't share the info about "where is this place on earth" especially in a public forum...secluded place in France, secluded place in South Dakota and secluded place in Québec.

    These places are near areas only frequent by hunters and has extreme weather (e.g. you need good snowshoes).

    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    murray t turtle and maxinger like this.
  3. Sprout


    maxinger and wrbtrader like this.
  4. tiddlywinks


    You should get more specific.

    There are many places that offer your criteria. "The Beach" movie portrays an extreme. It's one end of the spectrum to be sure, but for many, "be careful what you wish for" is an unrecognized mantra when dealing with extremes.

    Identify what's important for your desired life(style) in addition to the criteria you listed... Internet access? Medical facilities? A Maw&Paw convenience store/gas station nearby or is a can of coffee and a bottle of bourbon a day trip by canoe? And what is sparsely populated to you?

    Regarding population, in the USA you might use the "Micropolitan Statistical Areas". There are almost 600 areas categorized as such. That list might be either a starting point or a not list depending on your desires.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
    murray t turtle and maxinger like this.
  5. Antarctica.

    Be sure to pack your long johns.
  6. ElCubano


    Montana or Wyoming. I have more people living in a 20 miles radius than those states have individually. lol.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. Pekelo


    Places like what the OP wants have usually very bad internet connection, something what the poster most likely wants. So I guess the trick is to find such a place somewhere close to civilization, so one can close to people (and internet) if he wants to.

    Lots of suburbs can have that...
  8. Meh-Le


    How is the security in less populated areas ? I mean police and hospital.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2019
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. Banjo


    Forest ranger lookout post.
  10. tommcginnis


    You provide your own.

    #10     May 25, 2019
    murray t turtle likes this.