Anyone got a synopsis of what the GOP solutions are for the USA

Discussion in 'Politics' started by noob_trad3r, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. i guess you answered that question didnt you. just lets hope there arent many like you out there.
    #21     Aug 30, 2012
  2. BSAM


    I think I can help you understand, brother Noob.
    I will just sum it up for you.

    Their plan is, ironically, the very same as the 2008 Obama campaign:

    "Hope And Change"

    You have probably heard that the national debt is 16 trillion dollars.
    This number is so big that it can never be paid.

    The Democrats did not cause this problem.
    (Many just gasped, but keep reading...)

    The Republicans did not cause this problem.

    Here's the truth, brother Noob:

    The Democrats and the Republicans caused this problem.

    That's why you shouldn't waste your vote on either of these heathen groups.

    Your vote is too valuable to squander on these money stealing/wasting groups.

    I hate to be the one to have to tell you this, brother Noob, but the government is not your friend.

    So, the "specifics" are merely a bunch of, crap.

    Obama/Biden are lying.
    Romney/Ryan are lying.

    Look what's happened to the country since WWII; I think you'll agree with me.

    We are bankrupt.
    If you don't believe me, ask the only politician who has told the truth: Ron Paul.

    Hope this helps.
    #22     Aug 30, 2012
  3. Brass


    Quite right. I missed that one.
    #23     Aug 30, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    I bet ya missed this one too.

    Although ultimately since you have no vote I suppose it doesn't matter that you did.
    #24     Aug 30, 2012
  5. GOP solutions:

    1) Lower taxes on high earners through reduced rates and
    further reducing capital gains taxes

    2) Raise taxes on low earners thereby broadening the base.

    3) Begin reformation of Medicare , Medicaid, and Social Security by raising the age eligibility

    4) Open up all areas for gas and oil drilling under Federal control and stock the EPA with energy industry veterans and Koch bros. cronies

    5) Ramp up the wasteful war on drugs and selectively prosecute some pot sellers in CA to scare the medical marijuana movement

    6) Press for a wider school voucher system

    7) Attack the principle of Separation of Church and state.

    8) Lease mining and mineral rights on Federal lands to friends of the GOP.

    9) Privatize the operation of Federal penitentiary system and under pressure from the private prison lobby, write new tough
    crime legislation (including provisions to make it harder to execute the death penalty) that will result in more inmates with longer sentences.

    10) Defang Regulatory regime of Dodd Frank, stock the SEC with Banking industry veterans.

    11) Increase defense spending.

    12) Press for elimination of Welfare and unemployment insurance.

    13) Sell VISAs to wealthy foreigner, the proceeds of which will help fund the expanded Federal prison population.

    14) While dismantling the welfare state, expand the police state. Heighten domestic surveillance. Write new laws expanding the definition of terrorist activity and terrorist aiding and abetting Undertake aggressive prosecution under new laws.

    15) Increase funding of that state prison population house under privately run prisons. Increase alcohol and tobacco taxes for funding.

    16) Eliminate the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

    17) Outsource all FEMA operations.

    18) Repeal Obama care.

    19) Privatize the Interstate highway system. Hire Bain consulting to arrange for its sale.

    20) Strengthen assett forfeiture laws.
    #25     Aug 30, 2012
  6. Lucrum


    At least they have some good ideas. Of course any ideas would be an improvement over Obama's no ideas.
    #26     Aug 30, 2012
  7. I'll settle for this if the Reps win:

    Don' tell me I have to pass a bill to find out what's in it.

    No beer summits.

    Quit kissing foreign ass.
    #27     Aug 30, 2012
  8. synopsis:1) Quit giving shit away (as if free)
    2) Quit borrowing to give shit away.
    3) Quit bailing out failures public & private
    #28     Aug 30, 2012
  9. TGregg


    That's just not fair. Obama has plenty of ideas. Like free health care for everyone! And unlimited unemployment insurance! And tax the rich `til they flee! And free citizenship for illegals! And no more burning coal! And gasoline at $8 a gallon!

    No ideas, sheesh.
    #29     Aug 30, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    Well duh, what was I thinking?

    Don't be so scarce buddy, fuck what those candy ass pussy liberals say about the rare conservative moderator speaking his mind.
    #30     Aug 30, 2012