Anyone familiar with piriformis syndrome?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by viruscore1, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. Last edited: Mar 21, 2018
  2. Pekelo


  3. Buy a better desk chair, and make sure your monitor is aligned with your eyes...focus on overall ergonomics.
    And, of course, exercising and eating right helps as well to prevent weird kinks from aging.
    take various supplements. quit smoking and drinking and too much coffee.
  4. tommcginnis


    You know that one of the first tests is to drag a pencil across the ground in front of you -- as soon as those toes go to pull it, "Damn!"
    Which is exactly the motion of skating!

    That's the bad news, of course. (And no news to you, no doubt.)

    Have you rolled your ass on a tennis ball? That really works nicely.
    In road races (in ancient times, for me), I would pound a knuckle into my butt, right where it hurt most -- that might buy me 5-10 minutes of relief.

    But it was laying on my back, doing those (pretty standard) piriformis stretches *ferociously* -- for 20 minutes at a time -- that finally loosened me up. And it took *months*, not weeks.
    So, be patient, and do *longest* what hurts the most to do. That's usually Bad Cliché advice, but is totally good with Pain-In-The-Ass Syndrome.

    I would advise, too, to go for IT-Band stretches, as it's really your whole Lower Unit that's tight -- which means that tight quads will be solved by loosening everything connected right up to your Iliac Crest (your belt line). Whacky, but way good and true.

    viruscore1 likes this.
  5. This guy is legit. I've used this, especially the one which starts at the 6 minute mark. Works if you're diligent about it.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2018