Anybody own a house?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by tradecrumbs, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. dkw


    Give me Big Sur or Puget Sound.


    Sure. Do both. I don't understand why people stay in one place all the time. Keep the house in Santa Barbara, and then rent a place in the city, either LA or Seattle.

    - d
    #71     Feb 4, 2007
  2. dkw


    Having been to different parts of Europe several times, and returning in a few months, I think it depends on where and what your are doing in society.

    America, compared to most other countries, offers the best opportunities=starting your own business...

    Many countries in Western Europe, offer a general better standard of living for people ...


    That's been my impression, although it can be difficult to safely make generalizations about quality of life. For some people "standard of living" has a specific definition, equal to personal wealth. For others "standard of living" means having a richer life experience.

    For people who want to acquire material wealth, America still offers excellent opportunities.

    For me, I can work with the capitalists during the day, and then party at night in Hollywood.

    - d
    #72     Feb 4, 2007
  3. dkw


    starting your own business

    It is limited means only. It can not give you pleasure
    from Epikur point of view .


    You should try it first before judging. I'm not unhappy.

    - d
    #73     Feb 4, 2007
  4. I own two houses.

    I am putting one on the market at the end of this month.

    I strongly believe in diversification of assets - real estate, commodities, collectables, cash, etc.
    #74     Feb 4, 2007

  5. HUH??? Because I cannot sell my house in .2 seconds I am in trouble? This makes no sense at all.

    This is what insurance is for. This is why proper financial planning is imperative. Problem solved.

    I can't believe you guys are arguing that owning a home is too risky. That's just humorous to me.
    #75     Feb 4, 2007
  6. If you want to live in a country where you can slack off and still make nearly as much as the next guy, because of high taxation and wealth distribution, go to europe.

    If you are an ass kicker, are willing to work your tail off, and actually enjoy the fruits of your labor and thus have a much higher standard of living than the average joe, than come to america.

    PS: When I used to work, I got 8 weeks of vacation a year from my company. Yes, ass kickers can get lots of vacation time. If you are getting only 2 weeks a year, you are average.
    #76     Feb 4, 2007
  7. FreeMoney


    I hope working one's tail off doesn't mean unpaid overtime. If so, then "kisser" might be a better word than "kicker." :p
    #77     Feb 4, 2007
  8. I think so too, unless your young and cant afford a home.

    I actually thought about becoming a land lord, but that was before I read a few books. lol. Did you know land lords are one of the most sued people in the country?. Stocks are so much easier compaired to real estate.

    #78     Feb 4, 2007
  9. I agree cash - if it was trading vs. rental properties for my income - trading wins every time. That being said, home ownership for yourself is a great way to build equity over time. Having that extra equity out there and available to you is nice to have. And you get the tax writeoff of mortgage interest as well.

    I would not dream of ever becoming a landlord with tenants... too much hassle in my opinion.
    #79     Feb 4, 2007
  10. bdspler


    I own a House , and I never read a book!
    #80     Feb 4, 2007