Anybody have a career related to markets, but no necessarily trading?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Froglet, May 30, 2012.

  1. what color was her graduation gown?
    #51     Jun 15, 2012
  2. wait a minute.... $250K salary as a trader?

    I thought elite traders don't need and/or want salaries. That's what traders say on this forum.

    I thought salary for a trader was taboo.

    I am so confused!!!!!!!
    #52     Jun 15, 2012
  3. Froglet


    I was actually thinking of getting any old MBA, even from an ONLINE Program if I have to. The reason being is as some have mentioned. If this is so common place, and I don't have one, doesn't that hurt me?

    I rather get a MBA from a nobody's college than to say I don't have one.

    But to put it out there, I'm just a clerk. I'm not some smart guy w/ a high SAT/LSAT/GMAT score, but I don't have student loans and I have a job when millions are out of work and regressing backwards.

    I'm a clerk and have wanted to progress further into genuine analytics and develop a career.

    My visions of attending a MBA is to get a MBA, have a fall back, and most of all network myself. I would like to hold a MBA and CFA, but in the 'real' working world, there's a lot more that's required, such as a specific personality.

    This is also where I have issues. I'm not good w/ leadership roles.
    #53     Jun 15, 2012
  4. My advice is not to get a masters degrees in anything unless you KNOW what EXACTLY you want to go for and have a legitimate career track in mind that requires said masters degree. Otherwise you are on that "if I just get more schooling I am SURE to get a great job" hope & debt wagon that all these unemployed 20-something's are on.

    That's all I have to say about that. Gump.
    #54     Jun 15, 2012
  5. Froglet


    I would like to further my education in Finance as I work in the industry, but I'm not all about the trading thing like people are suggesting I'm doing. I'm not.

    Trading is but a very small aspect. What I'm curious is the stats modeling, risk mgmt, asset/liability side, etc etc.
    #55     Jun 15, 2012
  6. Froglet


    The MBA program offer these courses which I find interesting. I know nothing I do will guarantee me anything though. I don't want to get into debt, so I am not looking for any 'big', it's not like I'll get in.

    I work hard, but that's because I'm not smart.

    International Financial Markets
    Investment Analysis
    Portfolio Management
    Corporate Finance
    Trading Derivatives
    Advanced Derivatives
    #56     Jun 15, 2012
  7. newwurldmn


    #57     Jun 16, 2012
  8. I have six of my own books related to trading/finance, plus 2 public domain one from wyckoff, one from Gann. I do plan to write more, perhaps in a few years.
    #58     Jun 16, 2012
  9. As a clerk, can you get promoted to a institutional trader?
    #59     Jun 16, 2012
  10. jo0477


    You're too hard on yourself my friend! I've had the pleasure of working alongside some incredibly smart people (still do), but not all were fast learners. In fact, one of the people that I turn to for information on a regular basis is a self proclaimed "slow learner". When he started in the business, he told me how inadequate and inept he felt in relation to his co-workers. Now, he realizes that new concepts come slower, but when he understands, he understands the subject inside and out - much more thorough than most.

    Education such as the courses above can most certainly be beneficial - but this thread is a great example of how subjective the value of different programs can be. I think once you develop some more confidence, things will start to click a lot easier for you.

    #60     Jun 16, 2012