I got an email that HLV trading is hiring and does not require any capital contribution, have u heard anything about this compony. Do they really let you trade their capital? just like that? Why would they do that?
Try "Search" in upper right corner; keyword - HLV Then, if questions still remain, you can add your question onto one of the several existing HLV threads.
i've been wondering about them as well. In charging only 2 bucks per order, how do they turn a profit on commish? This seems like a good deal for traders that do between 5k-10k on volume NYSE stocks. It seems like they profit less from commish in comparison to a place that charges .006 per share. Of course, this is all relative to how much size you do, but pretty much everyone there does size I believe.
I would like to know if this is true also. Anybody know? I did a search on here and couldn't find any info. All the info says is that they want a minimum of $5,000.oo capital investment and they give 10-1 leverage. Does anybody work for HLV with no capital? Email me if you don't want to post here. Thanks.
i think i read somwhere that u have to split your profits 30/70, meaning u keep only 30% of what u make.
I wonder if they fire us if we lose? I wonder how much you can lose before they lock your account(which is really their account), and tell you to find a new career and tell you "sorry, but daytrading isn't for you - maybe you should try washing cars or something". I'm sure there is more to this story than we know.