Anybody else supporting Ron Paul for President '08?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ultimaonliner, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. I'll vote for him even though I completely disagree with half of his positions. (Fyi: I've been a Republican all of my life). Why? He's the only candidate that's for smaller government. I have the belief that if Congress is faced with a range of possible options, they will always pick the most inane, expensive option that will plague America for generations to come.

    Our only hope is to limit their damage by taking away their powers. Plus, he's pro-life in a unique way. Those two issues are really all I care about and so I cannot imagine voting for anyone else...
    #11     Oct 16, 2007
  2. I used to think this way. But then I realized it's a waste to vote for any of the Republican candidates. They are a complete and utter sell out and you can't trust any of them.

    It just hit me one morning that I cannot vote for these people any more. Imo, it's morally wrong to vote for someone that is going to bloat the federal government, increase its power and injure our already beleaguered economy.

    What is the difference between Hillary saddling us with universal health care that will suck the life out of economy vs. the Republicans saddling us with universal drugs for seniors? The Republicans are just Little Hillarys in suits and ties...
    #12     Oct 16, 2007
  3. gnome


    Isn't voting for a RepubliClown or DemoCrap a waste also? Insulting, even. It's like choosing the one who will administer your lashes while you're "tied to the whipping post".

    If you have kids, don't you HAVE to vote away from the others just to set an example?
    #13     Oct 16, 2007
  4. I have three kids and I've thought the same thing: how can I live with myself voting for these guys any more?
    #14     Oct 16, 2007
  5. Too bad you are not allowed to audit those electronic voting machines!

    You know, the ones whose company helpd to fund the boosh campaign.

    No, Hitlery will likely will due to AIPIC support. I heard that GOLDMAN Sachs is #1 contribuitor to her campaign , as is Citigroup.
    #15     Oct 16, 2007
  6. It's called Groupthink...
    People are smart...groups are fucking retarded...

    The more people I talk to also say the same thing "Ron Paul has no chance"...

    That is complete and unadulterated bullshit...

    You can't raise 5 million, win every online poll, have support of young America, and not have a chance...

    The media will do whatever it takes to keep Romney the Mannequin and Giuliani the Terror Robot on the front lines...the most us Ron Paul supporters can do is donate, spread the word, and VOTE!
    #16     Oct 16, 2007
  7. stephenscatapolis, (hope you understand Greek) insulted Paul on his show and made fun of him for running. Boy was I pissed.
    #17     Oct 16, 2007
  8. gnome


    It's not just the Bush Administration and Current Legislature... been going on for decades.

    All of this debt and unfunded liabilities are leading us into a terrible mess as the Boomers make their demands upon the social system... and all there is to back up promises are IOU's.

    The generations which follow the Boomers will get horribly hurt. When asked about this time by our kids, how can we explain that we just "voted the normal party line". What, are we fargin' MORONS?
    #18     Oct 16, 2007
  9. First, I dont have kids. But regardless, he's not going to win the primary. That means he'd have to run as an independant. If he does, all he'll do is split the republican vote, and Hillary will win.

    It's an unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless.
    #19     Oct 16, 2007
  10. on the money

    on the money Guest

    For any of you who are still under the illusion that your vote is actually worth something and therefore continue to argue about who to vote for and who has or has no chance of winning, I STRONGLY suggest you learn about the American electoral system, and how it does not represent you, or the popular vote or even "joe citizen". Case in point, the Bush victory over Gore. I'm glad he won, but the truth is, it was a total travesty and a violation of every constitutional right promised to Americans. The "electoral college" system was set upo because the founding fathers of America thought that the Average citizen does not know enough to vote responsibly, and therefore created a "failsafe system" where the outcome of the election would NEVER actually be in the hands of the voter. If you think I am wrong, you are ignorant of the electoral system, and also of what occurred int he Bush-Gore election. In that election, GORE WON the popular vote, but because of the lectoral college system, Bush became president (fortunately).
    #20     Oct 16, 2007