Any traders that live within a 2 to 3 hour drive of DC willing to meet and take trading seriously?

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by nonpln, May 2, 2024.

  1. poopy


    You should stop stating that... you clearly don't understand the idiom.
    #31     May 5, 2024
  2. poopy


    A nick with zero history begging for cash. I know; I am putting words in your mouth. This entire thread is worth about what you paid.
    #32     May 5, 2024
  3. nonpln


    Ok, well I never said that. So you're either directly or at bare minimum alluding to that I did say that. How is that not putting words in my mouth?

    Or if you don't want to give me that one. You're still suggesting that my post was to say I have a secret sauce or I broke the market. I clearly stated that is not what I said or meant prior to your comment.

    How do neither of these quality for putting words in my mouth?
    #33     May 5, 2024
  4. nonpln


    You obviously didn't read my post. As stated I already cannot trade even fully trade 2 products to their potential. What does this have to do with me begging for cash? You are incapable of basic logic. No where did I ask for funding. Wanted assistance in further taking advantage of the setups I have.

    Also, why would I be looking for someone that has the time to trade? Why would I care if I was just asking for money to directly trade? At this point you have to be trolling man. There is no way you lack this much common sense, it's almost impossible.
    #34     May 5, 2024
  5. poopy


    "wanted assistance in further taking advantage of the setups I have" -> "why would I be looking for someone that has the time to trade?"

    How do you reconcile those two seemingly contradictory statements? You're either looking for cash or looking to POA some poor fool's account.

    Dude, go away. You're not being helped by continuing to reply. All you've done is piqued my interest in f*cking with you.
    #35     May 5, 2024
    Rams Fan likes this.
  6. nonpln


    What is contradictory about that? I have multiple strategies. Currently trade two different products with them and can't even fully utilizing those. You really need to me to list out how another person would be useful? Is this a joke or something?

    Another person could trade different products? Another person could assist me in trading the two products I currently trade so we can capture more setups or vice-versa?

    What is your recommendation then? I am not here to make friends, socialize, post my discord for internet points or whatever reason you're posting your discord server for. Hey man, this isn't really worth my time. Not going to sit here and go back and forth with you anymore, particularly when it's looking more and more like you're just trolling. Go enjoy your evening. Cheers.
    #36     May 5, 2024
  7. poopy


    My recommendation is to hit the job boards and find gainful employment. I don't have a discord room. You stated a while ago you would no longer respond to my replies... I doubt your veracity, Ser.

    You want assistance in talking advantage of the setups you have yet you're not looking for someone that has time to trade. ESL? They have time to hoof it out to DC and waste countless minutes/hours/days on your BS yet they don't have "time to trade".

    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    #37     May 5, 2024
  8. nonpln


    I trade every single day and take it seriously. Willing to actually collaborate with people, yet you want to troll that.
    #38     May 7, 2024
  9. poopy


    It’s a grift. We all know it. You’ve gotten zero positive feedback in this thread because you’re a cartoon.

    You’re spread too thin to apply your edge? Please f*** off.
    #39     May 7, 2024
  10. Overnight


    Holy shit, enough already! What the fuck is your major malfunction? Post your journal!

    Jesus Christ, the brain science needed here!

    It is so simple, a caveman like me can do it.

    So you do it too. Ug.

    What is the matter? Afraid of the criticism it might get? Grow some balls you simp!
    #40     May 7, 2024