Any traders that live within a 2 to 3 hour drive of DC willing to meet and take trading seriously?

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by nonpln, May 2, 2024.

  1. nonpln



    In all seriousness the older you get and the stronger the realization becomes of your mortality, you're going to wish you spent more time improving your life or the people's lives you care about. Even if you get some enjoyment out of trying to tear other people down and being self righteous, that's still way more fleeting than providing value for people you care about. This response was more to your previous post(that you deleted, maybe because you realized it was ignorant). With that said I am not going to engage in any more nonsense debate, even if I can do it in passing, its pointless.
    #21     May 5, 2024
  2. Sprout


    strategic ignorance is an under-rated superpower
    #22     May 5, 2024
  3. nonpln


    I'll respond on this one since you're actually acting reasonable here and at least mentioning action. Why are you making up stuff though? Why would someone drive 2-3 hours every day? The purpose of meeting is person is just to establish a relationship and to avoid having discourse with people online that are here for social interaction and not trading. Not here to make friends or to try and date someone right? Are you?

    Don't care your discord room. Not because I am mean, because it has nothing to do with me and is irrelevant relating to me. Hope you get what you're looking out of it, that's great. If its true you have 38 people in there that trade full time. Then most likely they know 95 if not 100% of what I am doing, minus maybe a few personal adjustments or tools. Once you figure things out and it finally clicks trading isn't rocket science, in most cases it's straightforward.
    #23     May 5, 2024
  4. poopy


    Most are institutional-level vol-traders. There is such a thing.

    There is more to trading that retail futures speculation.

    Your entire posting history is in this thread. Whatever it is that you're actually looking to achieve here isn't going to happen. You're on an anon-board to which you've contributed nothing.
    #24     May 5, 2024
    jys78 likes this.
  5. poopy


    I deleted the post and immediately posted it again, in full, with more detail (the pic) because you cannot cut and paste on edit. IOW, it's easier to delete and re-post when a pic to be added hasn't been saved.

    You care? Awww.

    Ahh yes, here comes the altruism angle. This may really be your only nick as I can't imagine any regular here thinking that your bullsht will fly.
    #25     May 5, 2024
  6. nonpln


    Every post you just make up things. I don't care if someone here fails at trading or blows up their account tomorrow. Just like no one else cares if that happens to me. Not that I pray or wish for it, but it's nothing I am concerned about. Think most people here are able to logically conclude that.

    really can't tell if you're having dense moments, just enjoy being condescending or a little bit of both. dont care enough to find out. guess thanks for your time, even though it wasn't that great.
    #26     May 5, 2024
  7. nonpln


    Ok, than the discord room is even less interesting to begin with. The fact that you think futures related to retail has to be labeled as speculation, maybe you don't know as much as I assumed. at any rate have to run. later
    #27     May 5, 2024
  8. tiddlywinks


    Retail futures = speculation may be a slightly narrow view, but the fact is...

    As a retail futures trader/investor you are either a speculator and/or a hedger.
    Retail is certainly not a commercial that will take delivery and/or deliver underlying assets.
    So take YOUR pick. Speculator, hedger, or both.

    Speculation is more likely than not the correct label for the vast majority of futures participants in the ET crowd.
    #28     May 5, 2024
  9. poopy


    All trading is speculation with the arbitrage-caveat. Either you’re trading outrights or you’re spreading term-structure (switches) or inter-market (crack spreads or rates: 2s, 5s, 10s, etc). Regardless, nobody is interested in your secret sauce/you broke the market bullshit.

    You’re boring the shit out of me but I am persistent. I’m going to ride you a bit.
    #29     May 5, 2024
    jys78 likes this.
  10. nonpln


    This is like the fourth time you've put words in my mouth. You're not even bothering to be factually correct. Show me where I mentioned a secret sauce or breaking the market? You can't because all you're doing is assuming things from inside your own head and projecting it on to me. You're like a broken calculator. You receive new data and you come back with the same answer every time.

    I don't have a "secret sauce" as you put, nor does one need one to make consistent gains. You chose to be intellectually dishonest and say that anyways though. That can be proven because I already stated that 95% if not 100% of what I am doing other successful traders know. Actually probably even a lot of failed traders know it too. The difference is I actually have an actionable and objective plan. Also another key factor is I actually stick to the plan and understand how to trade it based on EV and dynamically adjust as new data is received(something it looks like you could work on per my first part of my reply).
    #30     May 5, 2024