Any Successfull Traders From CoiledMarkets?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by version77, Nov 27, 2007.

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  1. First of all, Baron (ET owner) and most of the current/past moderators know who I am as do many long time ET members. :cool:

    Nothing covert is occurring...I just refuse to talk about it in the public area of ET.

    I'm also a moderator of other forums (not ET).

    Also, many at ET know I go after other vendors that break the rules.

    Most moderators and Baron will tell you that's a fact.

    By the way, my brokerage statements have been posted online for many years and a few past moderators have seen me trade in person.

    I also been posting my trades live every trading day in a free chat room since 1998...

    A free chat room that I am a moderator in which many ET members are members of the chat room.

    Including a few past ET moderators.

    Regardless, this conversation isn't about me.

    You do understand that???

    Now...changing the bat channel to the prior soap opera...

    I invite you to read my message to nhkoi very carefully again to see if I'm truly supporting austinp if he's breaking the rules.

    If he's not breaking the rules, let him continue posting but leave out the sneaky commentary about his sneaky postings.

    However, according to nhkoi, he is breaking the rules and my question to him (the moderator) is why is austinp still allowed to be a ET member if he's breaking the rules???

    Moderators are suppose to get rid of spammers or any ET member that promotes his/her service as a non-sponsor.

    Am I right or wrong. :confused:

    Hopefully that clears it up for you or any other covert theories you may have.

    By the way, if you're still confused about me, you can always contact Baron himself to see what he has to say about it.

    Last of all, why would you mention a vendor on Paltalk???

    Couldn't a moderator or any ET member accuse you of being sneaky considering nobody prompt you to mention such. :eek:

    I'm watching you, always watching you. - Monster Ink

    #51     Nov 27, 2007
  2. tortoise


    "Where are the Austin supporters?"

    I'll stand up for Austin, in a heartbeat. I took his course, spent two or three months in his live trading room. I found him to be direct and clear in his calls, open about his trades -- winners and losers -- and consistently profitable. I don't trade his method, but that's a result of my own predilictions: It does not reflect on any shortcoming in his method.

    I think Austin is an extraordinarily intuitive trader, and this "x-factor" makes his system work quite well for him. Watching Austin, and learning from him, helped me assemble the "toolset" -- emotional and intellectual -- I needed to piece together a trading approach that worked for me. This, in my opinion, was worth far more than a rote assimilation of someone else's "just add water" methodology.

    I've never met Austin. He doesn't know me from Adam. But, someday, I would like to attend one of his seminars and shake his hand. I credit him with helping me to become successful.
    #52     Nov 27, 2007
  3. <i>"However, according to nhkoi, he is breaking the rules and my question to him is why is austinp still allowed to be a ET member??? If he's breaking the rules... Get rid of him. </i>

    ET Rules:

    is insulting or argumentitive without merit, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortious, contains explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals), uses vulgar language in the creation of a user name or otherwise violates Elite Trader's rules or policies or these Rules of User Conduct;

    <b>victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability; </b>

    infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other proprietary right of any party; (break)


    Mark, do you really want to enforce all of ET's rules on everyone with democratic fairness? That means banning everyone who badgers another without provocation. There goes Bruce and Daniel right now. How about racial remarks? There goes Daniel again for what he said to JJ in this thread.

    Y'all can ban me tonight and I wouldn't miss a thing absent this forum. It's a local watering hole for traders, that's all it is to me when I'm bored.

    I've made this offer to nkhoi several times in the past, with silence as a response. Where in my history of posting have I ever once initiated anything about the topic of this thread? Over and over again I've been badgered by non-traders and perennial trolls. Moderaters are quick to clean up threads and rescue some members in ET, but not everyone with equal fairness.

    Heck, I spent my formative years growing up in honkey-tonk country bars. The movie "Road House" is a good depiction of home sweet home in another lifetime.

    This place and its conversation is cotton candy compared to that world. If I didn't enjoy the banter, I'd ask for your help.

    Meanwhile, if mods and Baron want to enforce ET rules, you've got a lot of work ahead. Who knows... maybe next week I'll apply to be a mod myself. How's the pay?

    Instead of replying to worthless troll drivel in here, I could be nuking posts, entire threads and banning people for ET offenses left & right.

    Now that sounds like my kind of fun!
    #53     Nov 27, 2007
  4. You know version77 is going to call you a shill...

    Right. :D

    Others may say your austinp himself (multiple alias).

    That's why this thread was started.

    It's a planned ambush to attack those that have any thing good to say about austinp or his website.

    This thread was also started to to rally up the gang to help ensure they don't get away with making such false/untrue commentary (sarcasm again).

    #54     Nov 27, 2007
  5. nkhoi


    several times? my, how stretch can you get?
    #55     Nov 27, 2007
  6. It helps tremendously :) thank you. I seem to have a problem with position sizing when volatility shoots up. I was doing so well first week and a half of November until everything turned to hell.

    This high volatility environment seems a lot harder to trade than the one that we saw in August. So all of a sudden on ES, stops are getting hit, position sizes are too large - 15% drawdown later, I posted the question :p
    #56     Nov 27, 2007
  7. <i>"several times? my, how stretch can you get?"</i>

    Well, I can get at least this stretch: several means more than two. If I spend an hour going back thru my history of posts and find at least three such requests to mods (of which you are one, right?) exist for posterity, will you immediately quit your mod status forever on the spot?

    Your call, big guy. Just a friendly wager on my end... consider it a $50 bet on a game of 8-ball. Your break... rack 'em up :cool:
    #57     Nov 27, 2007
  8. Austinp, you and I don't talk often but hopefully you know I'm a fair guy.

    I rarely take sides in debates here at ET and I tend to go after members that break any of ET rules.

    I'm just a little shocked that a moderator would show up to say that you do break the rules via being sneaky about it.

    Simply, he has the power to do something about it if such was true.

    If he or Baron doesn't do anything about your so called sneaky ways while letting others do the same...

    It's not fair especially when a moderator publicly announces such as if it was factual.

    Simply, I've look at many others doing the same as you (making references via the word experts et cetera)...

    Seems alright to me and no rules seem to be broken.

    Therefore, you're welcome to stay and keep posting.

    If I'm wrong, you and pitbulltrader got to go (sarcasm) considering pitbulltrader just did the same thing.

    If that's not blatant advertising of a vendor...

    I'm very confused about this conversation. :cool:

    By the way, did those gang members post their brokerage statements yet???

    #58     Nov 27, 2007
  9. nkhoi


    go for it!
    #59     Nov 27, 2007
  10. <i>"This high volatility environment seems a lot harder to trade than the one that we saw in August. So all of a sudden on ES, stops are getting hit, position sizes are too large - 15% drawdown later, I posted the question"</i>

    Look at a 15min chart of last night's action from midnight to 9am est. Nice, smooth rolling ranges. Tapes were deliberate and easy.

    Then look at the bars from 9:30am onward. Someone flips a switch on computers, and all hell breaks loose. Slam bars up & down, up & down all day.

    This current volatility differs from Jul & Aug. It's much sharper and more violent when the moves finally break. In the case of ES, it backs & fills repeatedly while ER and NQ have long before broken consolidation and moved off directionally.

    This is like being a Kodiak brown bear in the midst of a salmon run. We are surrounded by fat fish... flying past our ears while jumping waterfalls, swimming both upstream and down, floating dead on the surface, laying flat on the gravel bar behind us.

    Fish going every which way. If we focus on one or two, we eat well and get fat. If we try to catch every fish within reach, darkness falls on our empty belly.
    #60     Nov 27, 2007
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