Any review of "The Essential Leveraged Investing Guide"

Discussion in 'Options' started by learnnew, May 19, 2011.

  1. learnnew


    Hi there,

    Is anyone have reviewed/read this book "The Essential Leveraged Investing Guide" (by Brad Castro) and would like share it? I found his site while doing some Google search.

    Thanks for your time.
  2. =========
    Learn without Leverage;
    Actually an above average ad, but ; I have invested/traded enough to speculate ''How To make Money With Real Estate OptionsLow Risk High Profit... By T .Lucier, sounds like more bang for the buck.

    And Big Trends by Price Headly.

    Best to learn trading with out leverage;
    that way ignorance [where we alll start from ] is NOT LEVERAGED.

    At least for sure ,with options one can figure exact risk;
    unlike most derivatives.................

    I have used debt[mortgage, which is a derivative, not so time sensitive as most options]. some times ,to buy real estate;
    but cash works real well/better someTIMES!


    Mr Warren Buffet also said something like debt is the weakest link in a chain.............................................................................