Any Recommendations for Portfolio Software?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Steve@theLake, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. I am interested in recommendations for software I can use to track my trading performance. It would be nice if was online and free, but I would also be open to a really good purchased software package (less than $100 or so). I would like it to have the following capabilities:

    1) ability to track stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, and advanced options
    2) ability to create sub-portfolios so I can track the effectiveness of different strategies.
    3) ability to identify percentage gain during specific time periods by sub-portfolio (e.g., during the last month, which portfolio/strategy had the best gains by %?)
    4) ability to update prices automatically so I don't have to enter them by hand
    5) it needs to keep track of cash in a way that the buys/sells in the sub-portfolios don't get confused with identifying gains

    I have been tracking my finances for many years with Quicken, but it really doesn't give me the ability to segregate the portfolios in the way I want because of the need to download from my E*Trade accounts.

    Thank you for any recommendations you can offer. I appreciate it very much!


    :) :)