Any Prop Firms in NYC That Can Do H1 Visas?

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by okwon, Feb 6, 2003.

  1. okwon


    My friend overseas is looking into trading prop. in NYC, but needs the employing firm to sponsor him for an H1 visa. Do any of you guys know of firms that can do this? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. okwon


  3. mkmps


    Not for traders, since "trader" is not a proffession withing the INS system of allowable proffessional visas to be isues. Plus there has to be a "guaranteed" salary that is par with industry standards for the area... And most traders don't get a regular same-to-the-cent paycheck from the payroll department :). Assistant Trader with reg salary could pass as a adm assitant maybe, but then there is an issue with reuired education.
    its a process, but there are lawers that do it for you. PM me if you need phone number of one firm that does only immigration law. mkmps.
  4. NYNY


    I think I remember a few Chinese guys got Visas at Worldco.

    Call and ask: 212-601-7000
  5. :confused:

    Uh, Why?
  6. okwon


    NYNY thanks for the tip on Worldco. I think he already interviewed with them, but doesn't really want to go there. So I should change my question to does anyone know any prop firms other than Worldco that do H1 visas?
  7. Given that the U4 does a 10yr back ground check with the Feds, and SEC, and local Police jurisdictions it is most difficult to engage a non citizen with less than 10 years history in the US. These things might not be said, or even discussed. Simply put, there are some things that Uncle Sam reserves for his Nephews and Nieces.
  8. mkmps


    actually, a statement from a foreign country authorities does fine for the background check as well. But I agree Uncle Sam DOES make it 100 harder for non-US people to come to US as a trader per se. I am sure it is possible and if you're a big money trader, then its no problem since you can articulate a 500k investment in US or something to get approved for perm residenship, basically buying a house in Stamford or Greenwich, CT guarantess perm residenship too :)
  9. Gotta believe Worldco just loves the fact that some of these posters are saying they will give visa's like that:D

    Why not start a new thread called: "any firms out there willing to take middle eastern hedge funds"

  10. There shouldnt be any.

    H1b law requires that the visa applicant be working in a field whee there is a shortage, and the firm must demonstrate that applicants cannot be found at the prevailing wage.

    It not just for foriegners "who think it would be cool to come here"
    #10     Feb 7, 2003