Any Problems Getting Funds from Ninjatrader brokerage?

Discussion in 'Index Futures' started by yankeesfan, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. I am new to trading the e mini and from what I understand Ninjatrader is the go to platform. The person funding my account has reservations with the brokerage side of their business and I wanted to know if anyone has ever had any issues in terms of getting their funds. Also if anyone has any insight in terms of using another broker, for example Interactive Brokers, it would be appreciated.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I would say that CQG QTrader is the “go to” platform for manual traders. I’m not using the term “best” as I don’t subscribe to any platform being the “best” for everyone.

  3. Gotcha


    I can vouch for IB. I know lots of people have complaints, which are valid, with regards to how long it takes on the phone, or how they auto-liquidate positions, how they calculate margins, and all this other stuff. But if you're looking at Ninja, you're probably going to be trading futures, and in this respect, IB only passes the order along to the exchange so not much can go wrong.

    I use Sierra Charts which for me was much better than Ninja, but I guess its a personal choice.

    With regards to getting money out, no problem at all for IB. You're allowed one free withdrawal every month and its pretty much just like doing your banking online.

    The fact that IB also seems to have higher day trading margins for futures is a good thing cause you don't have to worry about your broker going belly up in some freak market chaos, which can happen, and has happened, with other brokers who have these crazy $400 margins to open a contract.
    positive etc likes this.
  4. The problem with your logic that IB cant go boom because they have high margins is incorrect. IB can go boom the reason..... they have exposure in to many markets.
    Peter10 likes this.
  5. speedo


    Ninja is just the introducing broker. Dorman holds the funds and clears....been with them for years with no issues.
    positive etc likes this.
  6. Never.
  7. zdreg


    if markets are highly correlated than higher margins are still more of a safety net. if you want tobe in the brokerage business your safety net cannot be reduced to zero.if it is zero your clients cannot trade.