any one has experience using api trading on zero commission broker?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by trend2009, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. I pay a lot commission to IB,using its api for trading. any good broker provides 0 commission+api?
  2. Tdameritrade - they have significantly less shortable stock compared to ib though
  3. have you used their api? what is your experience?
    kmiklas likes this.
  4. Easy to use - all rest based - the initial authentication is somewhat weird but once you’re over that you get a token that’s valid for 90 days. It’s fast enough for what I do - they don’t document their limits too well (or I haven’t found that info) and sometimes I send too many requests and have to throttle back but overall a good functioning api.
  5. thanks for the info. which language are you using to code?
  6. Python for all the Execution/API - some of my backend is still in java. Anyway the TDA API docs have good curl examples which easily translate into python.
  7. xappppp


    Is option like credit spread also free to trade?
  8. Nope - every option leg is ~ 65 cents/contract