Any leading indicators you recommend?

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by biologymajor, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. LOL....nothing like a good guarantee!

    But, seriously, we all know that price goes to Volume...brokers, specialists, market makers, etc. all get paid by the share volume they do. See it day in and day out...nothing to do with anything "technical" for the most part.

    #31     Feb 23, 2007
  2. The Jacobeans never heard the expression "price seeks volume". I would love to see you go argue with them. I have coded up some of their recent PV pronouncements and I am totally mystified how they continue to make that assertion.
    #32     Feb 23, 2007
  3. Would it be possible for you to post a snagit of your screens?

    This could shorten up the process for getting some good answers for you.

    We can find out how many you will need to be comfortable.
    #33     Feb 23, 2007
  4. I'm not the confrontational type, but I might have a few hundred traders who actually make their living trading to support the time tested facts, LOL.

    #34     Feb 23, 2007
  5. Mission accomplished. I turned one more bleating gimme thread into a Jack argument. Is that Pumpkin or Potato being served?
    #35     Feb 23, 2007
  6. You just pointed out that you can't code and Don just said what I and most people say: We don't get into confrontations with anyone.

    Don and I both use the prem as a leading indicator. I use it as stretch/squeese in association with the leading "walls" of the DOM and he monitors the PREM/DISC as a sentiment indicator.

    There are a lot of people seeking to improve their performance. They work at it.

    What do you and your little people do? You and your dwarfs don't even have a song to sing; probably because you don't have any place to work except in the talk, talk talk place your little people suffer along alone in among themselves....most of the time.

    Get them a dragon nine so they can generate more talk talk talk....

    And now lets return to getting some leading indicators down pat so they can make some money for all of us. I have about 17 worth looking at.
    #36     Feb 23, 2007
  7. Jack, please show a little gratitude. I send your way every fool I run across here. As to daily improvement, at least my systems are rule-based so I CAN improve them. As Spydie said some weeks back (I paraphrase) "There are no hard and fast rules here." I recently completed coding up your volume rules as best I can understand them, and they don't work for shit. Mind, I'm not saying YOU can't trade your system intraday, just that I doubt you can teach anyone ELSE to do it. You know your NLP. It's a common failing of experts that even THEY don't know exactly how they do what they do. Lest you think I'm ragging on you, I would still rather discourse with you than 99% of the other people here. You're at least HEURISTIC (not a compliment). I'm sure that's not your intention, that's just what I experience trying to make sense of you.
    #37     Feb 23, 2007
  8. LOL, hate to see what you would post IF you were confrontational......Geez, "Jack" a bit harsh dontcha think??

    Don :D
    #38     Feb 26, 2007
  9. 0
    #39     Feb 26, 2007
  10. the best leading indicators are the

    SP Premium (prem) ($spinx) ($esinx)
    Nasdaq Premium ($NQIQX)
    Russell Premum ($ER2IUX)

    Trin (arms index) $trin

    Vix (volatility index) $VIX.X

    the issue is taking the time to understand how they advance the market

    but they definitely serve as leading indicators sometimes advancing the movement of the sp 500 futures by hours
    #40     Feb 26, 2007