Any demand learning to write your own algos?

Discussion in 'App Development' started by themickey, May 18, 2024.

  1. themickey


    I'm mulling an idea to offer a paid service to educate those interested on how to write and create your own algos using GoogleSheets which is nigh on identical to MS Excel.
    Stocks, Indices & ETFs only, some crypto also, not futures or forex or Options.

    Can I have some sensible and educated feedback if there is demand for this service.
    Please refrain from replying any nonsensical non contributing derailing chit chat crap, thanks.

    I would become an ET sponsor I'd think because I would use ET to launch the service.

    I would personally guide students on how to set up their computer system and the application of formulas.
    Also I can advise on how to get auto data downloads done at no additional cost.

    What type of things like indicators would you guys believe would be your highest priority?
    I'm not a heavy indicator trader myself, I use MA'S sparingly, that's about it.
    Stuff like Head & Shoulders, flags, Wedges etc I'm not a believer in.

    So I trade my own method, nothing I do comes from text books, I've been Swing trading 35 odd years I'm guessing and coding Googlesheets about 5 years, prior to that I was coding Amibroker, but not professionally. My AB mentor was a professional.

    Anyhow, just mulling the idea, lets see where this goes...
    Please offer your constructive feedback.
  2. newwurldmn


    Why would anyone write their own algos. They should just invest in the Qqq
    jys78 likes this.
  3. 2rosy


    Everything is free and people still don't put in the effort. Better idea is teach how to create an education company that teaches how to create algos
    Slow Learning Elf and jys78 like this.
  4. MarkBrown


    There is always demand for such and you should do very well. In fact I have several little projects I need and if you're interested in doing some AmiBroker projects, I need some help with that also.

    Are you looking to do ongoing education and or individual's projects?
  5. ph1l


    It might be a good idea to say how this would be better than free training like:

  6. long


    I’d be interested in seeing how you work the spreadsheets and what data you use. A live lesson wouldn’t be necessary, just a recorded video would work for me. I’d give $20 for it if you went that route and I know several people who would also throw that much at it.
    richie90, themickey and MarkBrown like this.
  7. Good Morning themickey,

    Can you get tick data for algos to import into NT8 and the tick data is 100% accurate for the past 5 years? And I can use that data to build algos.

    If you can get that for me, I will pay you money.
    Last edited: May 18, 2024
    MarkBrown likes this.
  8. ph1l


    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  9. ph1l


    #10     May 18, 2024
    beginner66 likes this.