Any Comprehensive Event Calendars Out There?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Cdntrader, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Any comprehensive Event Calendars Out There?

    Or does everyone do what I do and cobble together events as they go along?

    I always seem to miss some events. A good example is the two days of testimony by Bernanke this week.

    It would be nice to be about two weeks ahead at all times. And have it all by one provider.

    Any ideas?
  2. Today +2 - Something everyone expects will happen, market will react as expected

    Today +3 - Something everyone expects will happen, market will react unexpectedly

    Today +4 - Something nobody expects will happen, market will not react

    Today +5 - Something nobody expects will happen, market will react unexpectedly

    Repeat ad nauseum.