Any Charts that I can feed my own market data?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by qlai, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. qlai


    Are there any charting software available that one can plug their own data feed to? Basically, I want to get real time feed from some source and have the software build intra-day charts and TnS based on it. Nothing fancy. Obviously, open source would be great.
  2. ZBZB


  3. qlai


    Thanks. It doesn't look like it can do real time charting though ... 1 min ohlc for example.
  4. ZBZB


    qlai likes this.
  5. qlai


    Came across this video. Interesting. Looks like it even supports IB TWS.

  6. MotiveWave

    MotiveWave Sponsor

    Seems like a lot of work if you're looking for a Java-based solution that connects to Yahoo, IB TWS, or allows for data import. It would be simpler to just use MotiveWave--all of the features are already there.
  7. qlai


    I'm looking to source real time data (like and feed it to the charting software. I'm willing to write an adapter to simulate whatever the data source is currently supported by charting software. The goal is to have fast (non-pulsed) intra-day charts. I would also like to be able to chart my own symbols, like my pnl curve for example.
  8. Sponsor

    TradingView offers a solution for this. You can use TradingView charts with a data provider you choose. We have been working on integrating Polygon to be compatibly with their charting library. If you're interested in this please email us at We should have the adapter library open sourced on github by the end of the week.

    More info on the TV charting lib:
  9. qlai


    Can I use the Charting Library privately?
    The free library is licensable to companies or individuals for use in public web projects or applications, for free, or commercial, distribution - not for private use.

  10. qlai


    It looks veryvgood on your site. If I understand it correctly, you price for whatever is being used which is a big plus. I didn't notice hot keys, but I assume you have it.
    #10     Nov 14, 2018