Any advice for my poorly designed options trading strategy

Discussion in 'Options' started by CommercEngineer, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. The only problem with rolling out...and I have no problem with doing you really ARE booking a LOSS in the month you are rolling FROM...The credit is (should be) booked in the month your rolling TO. The trade off is the market can continue to move against you so your risk is time. You can of course do this until you are made whole but there are risks.

    one really big risk is money. Say you have an IC on and don't close down your puts you will have a margin requirement for both months and may not have the cash to pull it off.
    #21     Sep 28, 2006
  2. THANKS :D
    #22     Sep 28, 2006
  3. jdoucet


    That is exactly what happened to me a couple of times. Right now I'm strictly trading vertical spreads so I only have one side to worry about. Commissions are a lot less obviously. After I rebuild some capital, I may trade IC's again but that's at least six to eight months out.
    #23     Sep 28, 2006
  4. OT - just wondering why you stopped doing CCs and what you are doing now (in addition to calendars)?

    I was just thinking of getting into CCs/naked puts for the income. 1-2% per month would do it for me.
    #24     Sep 28, 2006
  5. spindr0



    That's a really good summary of how one should approach selecting the option strategy for the outlook for the underlying. Many just pick a strategy just because it looks interesting w/o regard to the what ifs.
    #25     Sep 28, 2006
  6. spindr0


    >> I thought, "there's no law that says I can't wait another 30days to take a profit or to recoup my capital. Why sit here and keep losing money" Now, I'm feeling better..I'm not losing money. <<


    I'm not sure what strategy you were referring to but in general, rolling is fine if the underlying cooperates. But if it doesn't, it can be a losing battle as the underlying loses more than the roll takes in (disparate deltas). You will lose money when the sh*t hits the fan :->)
    #26     Sep 28, 2006