Anti-Zionism Is The Same As Anti-Semitism

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, May 5, 2024.

  1. gwb-trading


    #31     May 7, 2024
  2. gwb-trading


    Hate in disguise: Undermining Israel's right to exist through 'pro-Palestinian' campaigns - opinion
    Not only are Israel and the Jews threatened here, but also American society as a whole, along with Canadian society, Western Europe, and other democratic societies.
    #32     May 7, 2024
  3. Where does Israel’s right to exist come from? For that matter, where does any country’s right to exist come from?
    #33     May 7, 2024
    EdgeHunter likes this.
  4. gwb-trading


    So tell me -- why is Israel the only UN-recognized country people feel comfortable suggesting is illegitimate despite its status as a nation. Israel just like other countries is a U.N. recognized nation -- with the U.N. having voted Israel is a legitimate nation with the right to exist.
    #34     May 7, 2024
  5. Let's go with the UN as that has been the standard for all of our magically drawn lines since WWII for who has rights to what. However, it was never recognized by the UN as a Jewish state. The state that was recognized by the UN was partitioned by the UN to be divided into Jewish and Arab states that were "tied economically". If you call the entire land Israel, it has essentially been in a civil war ever since between Jews and Arabs. Since that time Jews seized more land, most notably in 1967. However, ever since then it has been establishing settlements in the occupied West Bank with a clear intention of annexing the territory. It has also had a blockade on Gaza since it pulled out in 2005. At the end of the day, it's an apartheid system that's been trying to ethnically cleanse the territory. Now, the Arabs in charge aren't simply victims of oppression, but have had goals of ethnic cleansing themselves. The Jews have simply been winning. The Arabs have had no intention of a peaceful moderate kumbaya coalition government.
    #35     May 7, 2024
  6. gwb-trading


    So the Arabs living in the region and surrounding countries attempted multiple times to kill all the Jews and eliminate Israel. And they failed over and over again... losing territory to Israel each time. Hard to feel sorry for them, they are victims of their own aggressive actions.

    This being said -- Israel seizing more territory in the West Bank over the recent years is not conducive to peace and any two-state solution would likely require Israel to give most of the West Bank land back. Historically Israel is not opposed to giving land back -- take a look at the Gaza Strip as an example. Israel gave this land back and removed the Jewish settlements in Gaza. Sadly this merely led to the rise of Hamas -- and the terrorism situation being contended with today.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    #36     May 7, 2024
  7. gwb-trading


    This is the proper way to deal with pro-Hamas groups and people who spread anti-semitic hate.

    German police raid properties as pro-Palestinian group banned

    German authorities banned a pro-Palestinian group on Thursday for its alleged support of Hamas and police raided properties to confiscate devices and documents, the interior minister of North-Rhine Westphalia said.

    Herbert Reul said the group, Palestine Solidarity Duisburg, had repeatedly propagated "its anti-Israeli and antisemitic worldview, at meetings and on social media channels."
    Some 50 police officers searched the properties in the northwestern state, confiscating laptops, cash, cell phones and documents, he said in a statement.

    Palestine Solidarity Duisburg was not immediately available for comment.

    The group had been known to the authorities since May 2023, the minister said. It organised a rally in front of German arms maker Rheinmetall's headquarters, protesting the delivery of weapons to Israel, which is fighting Hamas in Gaza.

    The German government last year imposed a complete ban on the activities of Palestinian militant group Hamas, already a designated terrorist organisation in the country.

    North-Rhine Westphalia's Office for the Protection of the Constitution recommended the ban on Palestine Solidarity Duisburg, Reul said.
    #37     May 16, 2024
  8. upload_2024-5-19_19-9-53.png
    #38     May 19, 2024
  9. gwb-trading


    You realize that there is no John Hopkins study showing this. This claim was simply posted by pro-Hamas supporter Mogul Mohamed Hadid on Instagram. This is just the most recent of a long trend of false anti-semitic claims that Jews in Israel have no connection to Israel.

    Admittedly the Palestinians living in Israel have a closer DNA match for the region. But to discount every Ashkenazi Jew with a claim they have no connection to the region -- based on conspiracy theory nonsense is absurd.
    #39     May 19, 2024
  10. piezoe


    Perhaps the confusion of the terms is coming partly from The Anti-Defamation League that has for years conflated Anti-Zionism, Criticism of Israel's government, and hatred of Jew's. If a non-Jew outside of Israel offers legitimate criticism of Israeli government policy, both they and their remarks are branded "anti-Semitic", as though the government of Israel and the Semitic people of Israel was a monolith. Of course they are not. This is a dangerous and detestable tactic of the Anti-Defamation League that has discouraged criticism of Israel's government and infuriated those offering reasonable criticism of official Israeli government policy.

    The Semitic people are those people native to the Middle East. When the word "anti-Semitic" is used consistent with its etymology, Isreal's government policies of encouraging West Bank settlements, or its wholesale annihilation of Palestinians because Hamas is among them, are revealed as ironic antisemitic policies cooked up by antisemites in Israel's government who may themselves be Semites. At the same time one recognizes that the Palestinian Semites are doing what they can to annihilate their Jewish, Semite neighbors. The outcome is being decided by which side has the more lethal, weaponry. As observers we may be hoping an adult will arrive of the scene and say "Stop It." Sadly, the adults seem mostly to be taking sides! Fortunately, our U.S. President, after first rushing to take a side without sufficient reflection, has stepped back and begun to reassess our involvement. It seems he is taking now a more neutral stance. The principle followed should be to do whatever can be done to stop the blood shed and the suffering, but no matter what's done, do not make matters worse.
    #40     May 19, 2024