Anti Zeitgeist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 88888accountant, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. Thanks for "backing and quantifying" your "2 true things" for us. lol
    #11     Jan 16, 2008
  2. There's too much ground to cover to go into great detail.
    I am making several blanket statements.
    Challenge any one of them and then you will see the reason behind them.
    Reason is a kind of logic that moves in the direction of truth because it is unbiased and open-minded.
    So it leads in the opposite direction as worldly logic.

    This is because world logic is the effect of what I'll call the Great Reversal...before the Big Bang(s).
    This is another thought system built opposite the thought system of heaven.
    Both heaven and this reversed thought system are built on premises.
    But while heavens premises are true, the Great Reversal builds on a false premise, leading to more false premises, resulting in this world.

    God is indeed in everything and in everyone.
    That is why I often refer to the world as the Son...or, the "prodigal Son".
    This world, everything and everyone, is a mask over the true nature of God...a mask over the face of the Son.
    Everything here uses the power of God to express the opposite of God.
    God does not destroy it because this is what his Son wished for and believed in.
    It remains as long as the Son wishes for and believes in it.

    The world teaches the Son that he is limited.
    He succumbs to this and feels powerless...pinned down to earth.
    It is designed to confuse you because it expresses the opposite of certainty, your natural domain as the Son.

    The world is a private domain conjured up in the mind of the Son.
    It is a fantasy of opposition, resulting in a self-deluded hallucination.
    It's like a hypnotic spell, a kind of magic that weakens instead of strengthens.
    It weakens by dividing one into legion, and sets them at odds with attack and counter-attack.
    The cause of the world is attack thoughts in a mind giving it's power to delusion.
    The world is an effect of these thoughts.
    The effects can never be changed, so long as the cause remains.
    To escape the problems of the world, simply...

    A. identify the cause
    B. let the cause go
    C. allow image replacement.

    A and B require your cooperation. C is done for you.
    All the images of the world have already been replaced in the mind of the Son.
    Cooperation with A and B allow him to see another world which I call the "real world".
    The "real world" is still a world of symbols, so it is ultimately not true either.
    But the "real" symbols reflect truth.
    Who makes it to the real world will go beyond to the knowledge of God, which was denied to make this world.
    Because God is in everything and everone, this is the destiny of all.
    It is completely inevitable.
    It has already been accomplished.
    It is only now being accomplished in your awareness, which has been constricted and limited for what seems like eons.
    The world is past and gone.
    The past does not exist, but in your beliefs about it.

    Many a man has killed himself upon realizing all the paths of this world lead nowhere.
    But you must come to this realization in order to choose the one path that leads out of this world.

    #12     Jan 16, 2008
  3. Decent point man, but the existence of god is not the thread topic, and to go through all the logic would take serious time, but I'll give it a half assed shot.

    to back this up, you have to agree that the big bang theory is the most logical, (I’m not going to try to prove that it is, its beyond the scope of this)

    but if you say that the matter at the beginning of the universe was "God" as assume this matter in a spherical form, then every point on every axis of God has a correlative point, like + charge and -charge.

    okay this is already starting to get too long.

    bottom line: if the universe was created from the explosion of matter then everything in that matter is related. If that matter is "god" then god is in everything and everyone.

    Sorry man that's the best I can do. I didn’t mean to come off as a hypocrite. I abhor hypocrisy.

    In my defense, I’m just a typical dying, mistake making human.

    #13     Jan 16, 2008
  4. Okay. I would like to bring out these two things.

    explain how you "let the cause go" do you mean give up and stop caring? it sounds like you are preaching some sort of suicide cult? are you saying the only way out is death? Why cant we just make changes that allow everyone to be happy and let them die when they die?

    last, you always imply that "Jesus" said your words? what do you base this on? because we are all one? We certainly are not all the same, and to quote other people as yourself seems wrong to me, but whatever.


    "Oh why oh why didnt I take the blue pill?":(
    #14     Jan 16, 2008

  5. Why im at it, if you could quantify "the mistake" I would appreciate it.


    #15     Jan 16, 2008
  6. #16     Jan 16, 2008
  7. This "I am" guy must of been dropped on his head from a height.
    #18     Jan 16, 2008
  8. Ok, death is not the way out. Truth is the way out.
    Death decides nothing, and it is not the end of one's existence.
    Death is indecision.
    Decide in favor of the truth, and you will wake up.
    Waking up, you will find yourSelf in heaven, unchanged, unharmed, constantly joyful, intensely blissful,
    all knowing, all powerful, a creator, perfect, eternal and immortal... remain as God created you.
    Waking, you will find we are the same.

    So I use the name Jesus in the waking process.
    Though I may be "least", I am aware that I am the same as...
    ie. "whatsoever you do to the least of these my brethren, you do it do me".
    The lesson is there is one mind expressing as many different appearances.
    Appearances decieve.
    The truth about oneness is what gives the power to awaken,
    despite the appearance of divisive concepts as symbolized by separate bodies, agendas, personalities...etc.

    First let's review what is the cause of the world.
    Now that you are somewhat reminded of who you really are,
    it is concievable that you are using your power to conjure an imaginary world...toying with your mind.
    This is concievable only so long as you appreciate the full power,
    of the mind that God gave you in your creation.
    This power is irrevocable,
    and is being used to give the impression that you are weak, powerless, and subject to death.
    You are not powerless. Simply, it is how you are using power that gives this appearance.

    You once joked that you wanted to rule existence.
    Brother, I'm telling you that you rule existence this very moment.
    Only you are not exactly proud of this "kingdom",
    and have masked your role in it's making.
    The premises of this kingdom have raised up a heirarchy,
    and brought you down to the dust in the midst of it.
    But that is part of the mask.

    Here's a rough sketch, by no means a complete explanation:
    You made the one mistake of judging yourself some kind of monster for a crime you never really committed.
    The crime would be something equivalent to...
    disowning your Divine Father,
    dethroning your Creator,
    disinheriting your Royal Name,
    trashing your all-knowingness,
    stealing God's entire Kingdom,
    claiming you created yourSelf,
    smearing the Name of God,
    running off with His beloved Treasure,
    and on the way out, tossing a bomb inside His Kingdom, blowing it to bits.
    All of this flows from the idea of separation, taken seriously,
    and then judged to be true.
    Separation is a laughable thought, but when you forgot to laugh,
    well, things got serious.
    And for the first time, you feel fear.

    So here you are, separated from everything you knew before,
    and it feels like you just lost everything.
    The power grab has backfired because you are integrated with God as an equal, and as one.
    So the attack on God turned out to be an attack on Self.
    It feels like you just blew out your entire trading account on a stupid blunder.
    It feels like hell.

    Your mind is locked in a terrible conflict with itself which is intolerably frightening as you deal with so much power.
    You expect reprisal from the Fatherland at any moment,
    while at the same time you blame yourself for this blunder.
    The decision is made to run like hell, build defenses, and hide out.
    It's a bit cartoonish, like Calvin, who's imagination runs away from him.
    But when you are dealing with new territory, a powerful mind, and intense fear...look out.
    This is a reasonable explanation of an unreasonable thought process.

    By this time, you have fallen into a deep sleep.
    And the mind is running a million miles an hour trying to solve the problem it's own way.
    The nightmare begins by casting out of your mind it's contents,
    as if tossing it all out to get rid of concepts you despise, hate, reject and believe.
    The symbol for this is the Big Bang(s).
    This causes the contents of your mind to be seen as outside of you..."out there" somewhere.
    The farther the better. This makes you feel temporarily better.
    The mind is split, warped, fragmented, transformed, shapeshifted,
    and incarnated as legion of every concievable form.
    Whatever form the mind takes, each form substitutes for a new identity.
    And each identity denies it is the Son of God...the maker of this strange new kingdom where order seems to emerge out of chaos.
    Denying it's immortality, everything the mind makes dies.

    This allows you to hide out as an inconspicuous foot soldier,
    kind of like the way Himmler disguised himself as a low-ranking sargeant,
    and mixed in with German POW's at the end of WWII.
    Himmler carried cyanide in his mouth, lest he be flushed out.
    Likewise, death became an escape against a seeming immenant reprisal from the Fatherland.
    Death is a preemptive strike,
    denying the 'First Reich' the possibility of any kind of victory in this imagined competition of kingdoms.
    As a result of psychological denial, repression and projection,
    each segment of the world is made up by some thought buried deep in your mind.
    Your making of this new kingdom is denied and repressed
    by splitting the mind into compartments and invoking forgetfullness.
    Now, ignorance is bliss.
    You'd swear on a stack of Bibles you are not the maker.
    So Bibles are made, stacked up, and worshipped.
    Bowing down to an idol, you are virtually unrecognizable as the infamous Son of God.

    Primarily, the thoughts that make the 'Second Reich' are based on the concept of attack.
    The problem is that you could not project the contents of your mind far enough away from you for very long.
    They remain in your mind, because projection is an illusion and not the final solution.
    The attack thoughts are now creeping back toward you, and are about to strike.
    So you may now feel justified in attacking out of self-defense.
    Each time you attack, either psychically or bodily,
    the situation get's worse.
    This sets-up a vicious cycle of attack and counter attack.
    Israel and the Palestinians are the most obvious symbols of this pattern.
    But it is happening for all aspects of the "you" that is hiding out here.
    The "blame game" is ubiquitous,
    and stands for the constant ongoing urge to project guilt out of one's mind onto "others".
    The problem is that there are no "others".
    There is only "you". It is your mind "out there".
    So every time you blame someone for something,
    you continue to recycle guilt back into your own mind.
    Neither does it help to turn blame in on your own self concept.
    It's a trap.

    So now we come to the realization that attack thoughts must be "let go" .
    As they are let go, the images and scenarios they conjure up are released, and gradually fade away.
    What is in front of your face is what is topmost in your mind at the moment.
    You want to let everything go, beginning with what's in front of your face.
    You let it go by withdrawing the value you have placed in it.
    You let it go by withdrawing the meaning you have given to it.
    You let it go by seeing the truth beyond it.
    You let it go by seeing the innocence beyond appearances.
    You let the whole world go by making it meaningless to you,
    because it is meaningless to the truth.
    Allow yourself to see that the world has no value to you.
    Begin by questioning it's value.
    Begin to change your mind about what you think you see.
    Look at it for what it really is...
    Examine it honestly.
    See that you no longer want it...see the alternative.
    Choose the alternative.
    This is the choice for truth.

    The truth is that you remain as God created you.
    In truth, you have never changed, never sinned, never harmed God.
    In truth, you are not guilt, never were, never will be.
    If you really understood that you remain as God created you,
    you could raise the dead.
    Truth restores your power to your awareness,
    so that you may use it creatively, as always.

    The world is anti-YOU.
    The Zeitgeist movie attacks YOU.
    It makes YOU feel insecure, little, insignificant, afraid, powerless...
    But the truth is, YOU make what attacks YOU.
    And by defending yourSelf against it,
    YOU keep it real in your awareness.
    This traps YOU. So the movie traps YOU.

    YOU have the power to deny the world its very existence.
    YOU have the power to affirm the truth, anytime, anywhere.
    The salvation of the world depends on YOU,
    because it is in YOUR mind.
    This requires no compromise with the concept of guilt.
    There is no guilt in you or in anyone or anything anytime or anyplace.
    This is universal.

    This is the antidote to a mind driven mad by a guilt complex.
    It's one mind, one cause, one world.

    The world is an effect.
    So there is no sense in lamenting it or trying to change it.
    Minds are joined.
    As you change your mind about the world,
    it sparks a chain reaction.
    Change your mind about it's cause,
    and you will literally save the world.

    Salvation is for the mind.
    It begins by taking responsibility for everything you see, feel and experience.
    Then, thought processes are reversed to let everything go.
    Gone, you see they never were.
    The nightmare has ended for what you thought you were.

    Believe it or not.
    But never underestimate the power of belief.
    Whether you do or don't, you believe in something.
    And you experience it's effects.

    #19     Jan 16, 2008
  9. The wording is a bit esoteric, but I get your point. I agree with some of what you have said about me/us in this last post, but I don’t believe the part of having the power.

    for example, you bring up the point of the Palestinian / Israel conflict. Here's any easy fascist solution to it. put a nuke on the area they are fighting over with a one year timer. Tell them both that if they don’t come up with a solution then the land will be desiccated.

    essentially the parent telling the children "if you boys can't play nicely, you can't play at all" :mad:

    As for the joke about ruling existence....It wasn't a joke, I really believed that. If it wasn’t possible in my life time at least I would die at the top of the hierarchy.

    I left this goal alone because I began to despise hierarchy. Working in a cyclical system we can all move/evolve forward, thus the top becomes the bottom and a new top is formed by those seeking it, carrying the others behind you forward.

    I know this sounds like some John Lennon pipe dream, but were not the only ones who believe it.

    #20     Jan 17, 2008