Another "Pro Lifer" kills...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Great! The first step to moderation is finding common ground and not painting those who disagree about political topics as subhuman or evil.


    Glad to see we're finding some delicious common ground.

    Next I think we can also agree that it isn't right for vegetarians to kill butcher shop owners, or animal-rights activists to kill laboratory scientists, and that we need to attack those who ratchet up the hateful rhetoric on radio and tv to further their own ratings or this trend will only continue.
    #41     Jun 2, 2009
  2. I defy anyone to look at a sonagram of a second trimester baby and say it is a tissue mass. I should say I defy any serious, moral person, which lets out you know who.

    The same people who don't want their lifestyle inconvenienced by regulating abortion will go apoplectic if you doubt the wisdom of ruining the economy to "combat" global warming.

    One as obvious as the beating heart you see on the screen, the other, a series of wild speculations based on inaccurate models that don't backtest, but guess which value liberals want to impose on us?
    #42     Jun 2, 2009

  3. Regarding item #1 - agreed

    Regarding item #2 - agreed

    Regarding item #3 - Whoa BigDave........

    Rhetoric sounds a little too close to freedom of speech !
    Are you stating that the recent televised episode of "Code Pink" members protesting in the face of Mr. Rumsfeld need to be attacked ? As obnoxious as I found the "Code Pink" tactics, I would be the first to yell from the roof tops if someone tried to deny their right to protest.

    Surely, we can agree on this, as we eat our Blu Cheese Bacon Hamburger.............
    #43     Jun 2, 2009
  4. Teri Schiavo looked like a person and she wasn't alive by any meaningful definition so I'm not too concerned about a four inch long mass which has just recently lost its tail.

    You seem to have some trouble staying on-topic. I can't say for sure, but I don't see how global warming makes their difficult personal decision any of your business.

    Wow, those two-dimensional liberals are really quite silly. Any chance of you stowing the namecalling and staying on-topic?
    #44     Jun 2, 2009
  5. Does it? I suggest that the pro-life movement, if not even for moral purposes but for practical purposes to prevent damage, should actively attack those who ratchet up rhetoric and start broadcasting locations of doctors or calling them "baby killers."

    It would be beneficial, not just to society, but to the pro-life movement in general to be actively working to find a common method of reducing abortions while also been seen as the rational alternative, rather than extremist nutcases who rant as the tv hosts do.

    Blue cheese? You're some kind of secret leftist? :)

    I support the two "code pink" ladies' freedom of speech to protest Rumsfeld. And I think you'd agree that the two of them probably didn't do the left any favors by screaming.

    Just as O'Reilly doesn't do any favors for the pro-life movement by exploiting their beliefs for his ratings.
    #45     Jun 2, 2009
  6. Too funny watching the predictable liberal reaction from the media. This weekend SEVEN CHICAGOAN'S in six different incidents-not including the police officer who was slain yesterday- were murdered within miles of Obama's home without a peep from the national media. An abortionist is murdered though and Google provides 7000 hits to the story.

    What if the anti-abortion movement made it so that abortionists were scared out of their wits to stay in the business? An admirable goal.

    As is, because of the stigma and because most MD's are drawn to the profession to save life rather than terminate life-the number of abortionists has been in decline.

    Just like any other hired killer, abortionists should be cognizant of karma being a bitch.
    #46     Jun 2, 2009
  7. "Scaring" is the very definition and justification that is used the world over for terrorism.

    Plus they keep being threatened and killed.

    Apart from the amorality of your statement -- do you think that you will convince people who are undecided with this line of thought? Or do you think they might see you as dangerous and extreme?
    #47     Jun 2, 2009
  8. Such an amazing victim mode diatribe...

    #48     Jun 2, 2009
  9. "What if the anti-abortion movement made it so that abortionists were scared out of their wits to stay in the business? An admirable goal."

    An admirable goal to stop a doctor from performing legal medical procedures through intimidation and fear?

    Do you have any respect at all for law and order?

    How long have you been a KKK member?

    So much for capitalism trumping all...

    Fascism is clearly your favorite "ism."

    #49     Jun 2, 2009
  10. "But let a Christian be concerned about an unborn baby, and we are terrorists imposing our religious values on everyone else."

    Do you understand the difference between Christians being concerned for their belief system, and illegal actions that threaten the lives and livelihood of medical professionals performing legal medical procedures in the privacy of their office for what is a private medical issue between themselves and their patient?

    Terrorists impose their beliefs on others, and intimidate others through the use of violence to promote fear and compliance...

    That is exactly what some of the "Pro Lifers" have done, engaged in acts of terrorism...

    #50     Jun 2, 2009