Another Pervert Republican Exposed...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Sep 29, 2006.

  1. EatShootLeave

    EatShootLeave Guest

    You're so eager to use words like faggy and homo that I'm willing to bet you're a raging closet case yourself. It's really funny because I knew someone who talked just like you until they were "caught". LOL!
    #51     Oct 1, 2006
  2. "Last leg"?


    Another keen, insightful analysis by one of our moonbat university "professors," in this instance the same "professor" who claimed "essentially all resident foreigners" in Saudi Arabia are non-Musllims.

    You moonbats really are hilarious!!

    Give up. Go grade some papers. Take a lengthy sabbatical and recharge your batteries. Oh, and do what you "professor" types are supposed to be experts at - do some research.
    #52     Oct 1, 2006
  3. The conservatives are really going all out to defend a pedophile. How pathetic! I have yet to see a single known conservative on this board to come out and condemn the actions.

    Let's see how many legs are left of the conservative ideology:

    1. Small government: Bush 41 crippled this leg with his largest tax increase in the US history; Bush 43 chopped it off with record expansions of both the size of the ferderal government and the spending - tax and spending conservative?

    2. Nationalism (as opposed to Internationalism): W was adamently opposed to "nation building" during 2000 election. Then he turned 180 degrees and started nation building in Afghanistan (necessary) and Iraq (totoally unnecesary) with dismal results. How about CAFTA? How about immigration?

    3. "Family values:" What a joke!
    #53     Oct 2, 2006
  4. A lot of "conservatives" suffer from what is called a bi-polar schizoid disorder (There have actually been studies about this, I will try to find my old Psychology texts) They predominantly and to an excessive extent believe the world is divided into 'Good' =Us, 'Bad' = them. Them is coming to get us.
    They are in favour of families only when it is THEIR families.
    Other families they couldn't give a rats about.
    They are to be pitied more than despised because in the end they essentially begin to feed on themselves (Abramoff), in fight, (DeLay) etc. It is quite tragic really.
    They, the Republicans will never condemn a fellow Republican pedophile! Ever! They psychologically CANNOT do this, to do this would entail a paradigm shift that they are incapable of.
    But Clinton having an alledged affair with a woman? The way they portrayed this you would think this was the most unnatural act in the history of mankind.
    Think about it..a man (Clinton) had an alledged affair with a woman (Lewinsky). What was it about this liaison that offended the Republicans so much? Maybe because it wasn't a gay relationship? Subconsiously it has been long argued that conservatives are indeed predisposed to being pedophiles. Top down power is what they crave, consensus and reasonable discussion is an anathema to them, generally speaking of course.
    They are certainly silent on Foley, exactly why? Do they approve? It seems on the face of it they must.
    #54     Oct 2, 2006
  5. that's not a flame, it's a quote. how do you sincerely view sexually provocative comments?

    The whitehouse shouldn't be defending Foley's sexual solicitation of a coworker. totally unaccebtable in his role
    #55     Oct 2, 2006
  6. No one is defending this guy. We are pointing out the abject hypocrisy of Democrats who are howling that this is some kind of stain on the entire Republican party, when the same Democrats excused far worse behavior from their own party members.

    As for throwing around the term "pedophile", I don't think it fits. This guy Foley was obviously a closet homo, like former Gov. McGreevey of NJ, and was using his position in ocngress to look for guys. But the page in question was a high school student, not a first grader. Are liberals now saying that high school boys should not engage in homo sex? If not, why do they support all these gay lesbian transexual transgender clubs and organizations? Why don't they denounce NAMBLA?

    Bottom line this is another election season stink bomb thrown by the Democrats. Apparently at least some of the messages were three years old, according to what Hastert said. There was no evidence of any sexual conduct and in fact the messages indicated that there had not been any.

    That's not to say this wasn't highly inappropriate, but I hope it doesn't crowd out the real issues of this election, like macaca and Sen. Allen's jewish grandfather and whether he used the "n" word thirty years ago.
    #56     Oct 2, 2006
  7. You're partly right, except maybe splitting hair and giving an appearance of defending the guy.

    According to wikipedia,
    So, although strictly speaking, another term (ephebophilia) should be used in this case, that term is much more recent. Pedophilia, OTOH, is an acceptible use in this case in the "western world" (i.e., civilized world).

    Note that this wasn't illegal before Foley pushed through the federal law that overides the local law on age of consent (which was 16).
    #57     Oct 2, 2006
  8. You mean Allen wouldn't use the "n" word when he was meeting with these racists 10 years ago?
    #58     Oct 2, 2006
  9. Artie21


    Interesting how the right wingers of ET are strangely silent on Foley's heinous behavior. So many of them have rightly called for draconian punishment for molesters but they can only seem to sit in silence here or muster a weak finger pointing apology.

    Does Foley's masquerade as a defender of children tell us something about Hapaboy, AAA, Jem, et al and the skeletons (small boned) that may be in thier closets?
    #59     Oct 2, 2006
  10. Artie21


    You are implicitly defending him by attacking his detractors.

    Riddle me these Assman, I mean AAAman, why didn't Hastert take action if he was informed 3 years ago? Is it okay to ask a 16 year old boy "Do I make you horny" when you are the chair of a congressional sub committee on exploited children?
    #60     Oct 2, 2006