Another example of our fine "Justice System"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. The human race is the form given to a mind that is "stoned" out of it's Mind. It is the form of a mind that "smoked" too much of a single idea: That thoughts can leave their source and be separated from their source. Under the influence, this impossible idea was taken way too seriously, given an "ego", and given a concept of guilt.

    Guilt is felt as heat, and toasts the mind. Insane, the mind seeks solutions. In a state of fear, a mind miscreates. A powerful mind can miscreate powerfully.

    Time, space, and the human race are forms of an attempt to project guilt out of a mind on fire with it. Bang! Bodies are attempts to buffer the heat of the flames. Daily, they either get stoned, or cast stones...both to quench the fires of guilt it was made out of.

    Judgement is the drug of choice for the human race. The projection of guilt makes bodies feel better... temporarily. Newspapers and their headlines make big money out of this phenomenon. Look carefully at this world, and you will see that this is so.

    Children are born into it through pain and in pain. Their growth is attended by suffering, and they learn of sorrow and separation and death. Their minds seem to be trapped in their brain, and its powers to decline if their bodies are hurt. They seem to love, yet they desert and are deserted. They appear to lose what they love, perhaps the most insane belief of all. And their bodies whither and gasp and are laid in the ground, and are no more. Not one of them but has thought that God is cruel.

    If this were the real world, God would be cruel. For no Father could subject His children to this as price of salvation and be loving. Love does not kill to save. If it did, attack would be salvation, and this is the ego's interpretation, not God's. Only the world of guilt could demand this, for only the guilty could conceive of it.

    Given to the ego was the task of exploring every impossible scenario in which the self-accused mind can get rid of guilt. Here is the catch-22: There is one mind, so there is no place for the guilt to go. It can only compartmentalize itself and cast the guilt from one compartment to the other! In other words, it condemns and attacks it's seeming parts in a frantic attempt to get rid of guilt.

    Like a supercomputer assigned the task of decoding the human genome, the ego coded the human genome and set the race running about testing every single scenario in which guilt could be projected from one body to another. This took the ego mind a single instant, shorter than a green flash at sunset. In that flash was contained all of time, space, form, mass and the laws that spun them. In that flash were all iterations and refinements of guilt and punishment played out. In it were all "fine justice systems" tested.

    That same instant, God ran another program side by side to the one the ego was running. This program offered alternatives to every scenario the ego set up. Eventually this program unraveled the ego's program, and returned the mind to it's senses. The solution was not to shift guilt around from one part of the one mind to another, but to deny the basis for guilt in the first place. Shifting guilt around the one mind perpetuated the impression that the mind was fragmented. Eliminating the concept of guilt allowed the mind to pursue the happiness found only in uniting with what it thought were "other" minds.

    Time is an illusion. You are reviewing your role in the playing out of these guilt shifting scenarios. Because the programs have already been run, you are not free while you continue to explore the scenarios. Seeking fine and finer justice systems, you will think you have choices...but instead, you will just experience one long multi-million year "deja vu".

    Simply drop your weapon, and back away from the scenarios. There's no need to add fuel to the fire. Instead, quench the fire at it's source, deep in the compartmentalized regions of your extremely powerful mind. As a body, this is your only true choice. This is all the power you have left, having given it away to explore these scenarios.

    In God's program, another world was set back of the one you see through spectacles tinged with guilt. Through reason, you can see that you really are not guilty. And with the eyes of the innocent, you can see the "real world" that God gave you instead of the one you made. From that world, it is easy to exchange the one you perceive, to the one you know as your home.

    Be reasonable then. See that because there is one mind, you will never succeed in shifting blame from one compartment to another...or you will continue to accuse and attack yourself. Let all compartments be innocent, and you will remember who you are, and who your Father is.

    You may as well. You can only hurt your dream-body. Rather, you can only seem to be in a dream body...which suffers according to a script. Your suffering is increased when you do not know what is in your script. You are bound to the script and nailed to it's unpredictable harsh "reality". How is this not crucifixion? Everyone wakes up sometime. Time ends when everyone wakes up. Time has ended, in the instant it was ill-conceived. It is finished! So what are you hanging around for? Are you a glutten for punishment?

    This day, you can choose Paradise instead.

    #121     Mar 18, 2007