Another child predator we can "study" to satisfy the Libs

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. g222


    I'm sure that Z's Mother and/or Wife and/or daughter and/or other female family member would take solace in the knowledge that Z would show such compassion and understanding for any predator that might happen upon them. I know it makes ME feel warm and fuzzy all over.

    Following his conviction, my cousin's killer received a life sentence and wound up working in the prison library (so we heard), suffering from such things as eye strain and paper cuts. Fortunately, another relative had spent some time at that same institution and had developed close ties with other longer-term residents. They later devoted much of their time to help this predator turn his life around and develop a closer relationship with his maker.
    #41     Apr 22, 2006
  2. nitro


    I agree with the first two, but I disagree with the third. I don't think that objectivity is ever misdirected.

    The process of getting em/sym pathy from others, while it may help the healing process, is not what I seek. Don't think me callous, please let me explain. You see, while I agree with the way you feel 100%, it is not my main area of concentration. What I seek is to help the matter once it happens without being vengeful, or even better, the holy grail of help, understanding how to avoid the crime in the first place.

    Also, I seek explanations where people claim there are none - that these people are evil and we should simply extinquish them out of extistence without any further reflection on the sequence of events that lead to the crime. Only vengance is satisfied by that.

    From what I understand, most of these child molestors are victims of molestation themselves. That already should send a warning sign to your intellect, and a chill up your spine.

    The ugliness of people that find the criminal more interesting than the victim is human nature, but it is not evil.

    Again, while I don't disagree, AFAIK there are lots of support services for the victims as well. I guess what you are suggesting is that you wish that people and in particular the media and the people that watch the media, would want to see the victims side as much as they want to see the predators side.

    But I think I understand why and it is very complicated. I think it is much harder for people to see the victims side because that is where the horror lies. The predators side is strictly entertainment because we are not monsters and don't have anything in common with them, so other than disgust, we can watch. But we are deeply hurt by the victims side, and it is too gruesom for most of us to deal with because that is where it really hits home.

    Most people cannot deal with the victims side is because they could too easily see themselves in that situation. It no longer becomes entertainment. In my limited experience, I think it is no accident that the people that do support the victims are either family members, close friends or professionals, and those professionals are people that have a gift for helping in these traumatic situations. In other words, it is a tough job.

    I can do all those things and have done them. It is a really tough thing to do for reasons given above.

    It is a real shame...

    I could tell you. But I doubt that you could ever be objective about it ever again. That is no knock on you believe me. I understand exactly what you are saying. But tell me this. How is it that the coroner can do autopsies on these children? Or social workers can help the distressed? Or Judges that have to sit through these horrors and still try to be ojective? What I am saying is that unless we figure out a way to leave justice to machines, we need objective people in the process somewhere.

    That is the one thing I don't understand. Why they are released. It is not the studying part that should be knocked. It is both our naive understanding of the human brain and perhaps the incompetency of the people that are the decision makers, or perhaps to the fact that maybe there is no good law to keep these people locked up.

    How can they harm again if they are locked up forever? What does death give you that life in prison or mental institution doesn't give you? I don't understand.

    I know. And I in your situation would be 100% the same.

    #42     Apr 22, 2006
  3. This perfectly illustrates Zzzz’s psychosis:

    g222 posts a horrific account of his cousin’s death at the hands of a child predator who had been incarcerated, “treated,” and released, and how does Zzzz respond?

    With a slap in the face.

    No words of sympathy, no sign of compassion.

    Just a callous reply that shows no consideration at all for what happened to the child.

    ZZzzz, the supposedly spiritual being with a close relationship with God….what a joke.

    (3rd time posting this - Resinate, stop deleting this post and let your boy Zzzz step up to the plate and fend for himself).
    #43     Apr 22, 2006
  4. g222


    I'm relatively new to this forum ... but who is Resinate and why/how does he/she have the power to delete ??? Am I missing something here???
    #44     Apr 22, 2006
  5. g222


    If this is true, then why does Resinate not clean up your vulgarity ??? It did indeed at first appear that there was an attempt at an intelligent exchange of thoughts about an issue about which some of us have diverse opinions. One of those issues addresses a person's inability to control themself - like YOUR inability to control your your temper. If your self-control is so difficult that you must display your frustrated inability to communicate without the use of single sylable, four letter words, then you might consider the many forums available on YAHOO where so many of your kinship reside.
    #45     Apr 22, 2006
  6. You will learn quite quickly to avoid winning debates or arguments with ZZZzzzzzz. Hapaboy is only one of many who have had their posts silenced continually.
    #46     Apr 22, 2006
  7. Feel better now?


    #47     Apr 22, 2006
  8. Translation: Hapaboy keeps telling it like it is. He, along with so many others, understands that I am a shameless hypocrite and possible schizophrenic who claims to have a close relationship with God yet behave as if I have no scruples whatsoever. Aside from showing zero compassion for your cousin, I have also wished the death of Hapaboy's children by a sex offender. See how close I am to the Lord?

    Because resinate is my buddy in the Chat room, with whom I make jokes about pedophilia, I utilize him to silence those who show me for what I am. Resinate also supposedly counsels victims of child molestation and molesters as well, which gives him an insider's viewpoint when he makes jokes about pedophilia.

    Resinate and I are the class of ET. Don't mess with us or we'll delete your posts.

    p.s. Can you believe this fascist government of ours, silencing all its critics?!? Just terrible....(end of translation)
    #48     Apr 22, 2006
  9. g222


    His last response to me: "Feel better now?", underscores your sentiment.

    And Z - no, it does NOT make me feel better to show you disrespect. But for some reason, you seem bent on behavior that makes affording you that basic level of respect that we all are due, a difficult task at best. Personal affronts seem inappropriate for this subject matter.
    #49     Apr 23, 2006
  10. g222


    I can remember when assault of a child under 12 was a cap offense. Compassion for the predator began to surface in the 60's/70's, and there began to grow an interest in studying the predator, hoping that once it was learned what made them tick, a means of prevention would result. Further, changes in sentencing along with plea deals released these predators to once again prey upon our children. Execution, extended incarceration were reduced to cruel and unusual punishment.

    These predators have been studied for the past 30 - 40 years. We now think we know the causes but have as yet to develop ways to identify them before they attack - ie: means of prevention have not resulted from all these studies. We have to wait until they victemize a child before we can truly identify a predator. At what point do we realize that we cannot profile a young person and predict their future behavior?? At what point do we realize that no matter how many times we lower our heads and run into the wall, the wall will not give?? At what point do we offer our children the same protections we offer their predators???

    Our current system, in all its mercy, increases the punishment for each time someone reoffends. The more you prove unworthy to live amoungst us more time yoiu serve. I would suggest the opposite. For non-violent felonies, an automatic 100 year sentence, with programs available so the felon can prove his worthiness to be returned to society. With the successful completion of educational/vocational programs, a felon would thereby be given opportunities to greatly reduce his sentence. Those who do not participate, would be transferred after predetermined time periods, to more restrictive environments designed to convince them of the advantages of such participation.

    Violence provides the predator with an addictive shot of control. The thought of life in prison nor death act as a deterrant. I support life in prison for the commission of a violent crime that does not result in death. Under certain circumstances, the predator could be offered an opportunity to prove their value to society after 25 years. Those who kill and those who scar our children for the rest of their lives, have put society on notice of their unworthiness to live. They are deserving of no more compassion than they have given.
    #50     Apr 23, 2006