Annual Returns for Prop Traders?

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by Antihero1776, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Don: One of the points that Maverick was bringing up was in relation to the people that came through your doors and didn't make it or are no longer with you as well. This is important to put it all in proper context with the stats you are quoting.

    Since 2006, how many traders exited the firm including ones that started since 2006 and then left the firm. This will add dimension to the stats such that a useful comparison is presented.
    #31     Nov 12, 2011
  2. What difference does it make. Either you have the capability to earn a living trading your own or a prop firms capital or not.
    #32     Nov 22, 2011
  3. hitnrun


    too many people are focused on how much money they could make

    rather then learn how to develope the skillset necessary

    once you learn how to trade then the money should follow

    it takes a certain type personality to be a profitable trader for years

    trading is not for everyone . only the strong survive the emotional rollercoaster
    #33     Nov 22, 2011
  4. tigerwu


    or the paranoid... You have to have a 6th sense for the impending disaster around every corner...
    #34     Nov 22, 2011