Ann Coulter Rips Pro Amnesty Evangelicals

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 8, 2013.

  1. No they are not, it's just more exaggeration and lies to get you guys all worked up. The republican party is choking on their victim and panic mentality. But hey it works, that's what keeps all the religious groups out there pounding the bricks promoting the various brands of fear.
    #21     May 10, 2013
  2. +1
    #22     May 10, 2013
  3. I'm curious how this will all be seen by future historians. The greatest and most powerful country on the planet simply surrendered to an invading force. They were not conquered in any traditional sense, they just rolled over and gave up everything they had. They welcomed the invaders with open arms, gave them everything they wanted and more. Never required the invaders to assimilate in any fashion. In fact, they lost their own language and culture to the invading force, all in an effort to make the invaders feel welcome. I suspect historians will view us as the most gullible people that ever lived, or perhaps the laziest, who were willing to watch a corrupt government sell them out, so long as they were told better days are coming. Just sit back people, your government will take care of everything.
    #23     May 10, 2013

  4. US sold out by it's own corrupt government. Very true.
    #24     May 10, 2013
  5. Lucrum


    You got any facts to back that up?
    #25     May 10, 2013
  6. Yes it is amnesty. You can't just decide to call it something else and suddenly it's not amnesty. People are coming here illegally. Allowing them to stay, regardless of how many hurdles you put in place, regardless of how many years you require them to be here doing something, regardless of anything, it's amnesty if illegals are allowed to stay. Spin it anyway you like, it's amnesty.
    There is already a path to citizenship. Enforce it! Punish those that don't follow that path. Punish those that profit from hiring illegals. Take away all carrots. No jobs, no education, no public aid, no heathcare, NO ANCHOR BABIES. If you're here illegally you get nothing but the boot. There isn't another god damn country in the world that allows this insanity.
    #26     May 10, 2013
  7. Lucrum


    + 12,000,000 or so...and counting...
    #27     May 10, 2013
  8. pspr


    It's a law designed to ruin America period.

    An exhaustive study by the Heritage Foundation has found that after amnesty, current unlawful immigrants would receive $9.4 trillion in government benefits and services and pay more than $3 trillion in taxes over their lifetimes. That leaves a net fiscal deficit (benefits minus taxes) of $6.3 trillion. That deficit would have to be financed by increasing the government debt or raising taxes on U.S. citizens.

    For centuries immigration has been vital to our nation’s health, and it will be essential to our future success. Yet immigrants should come to our nation lawfully and should not impose additional fiscal costs on our overburdened taxpayers. An efficient and merit-based system would help our economy and lessen the burden on taxpayers, strengthening our nation.....

    Our cost estimates are in some ways very conservative: The $6.3 trillion figure does not factor in the waves of unlawful immigrants who could pour into this country hoping for another future amnesty. As scholars at the Heritage Foundation and elsewhere have explained, the comprehensive immigration bill being considered in the Senate differs little from previous empty promises to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws on the books. When amnesty was granted under a similar plan in 1986, there were about 3 million unlawful immigrants; now we have more than 11 million.
    #28     May 10, 2013
  9. VVV1234


    Shoot first, ask questions later!

    No amNESTy! Send those canvasbacks back!

    This is what they bring:


    (The guy on the left only. The guy on the right a good guy)
    #29     May 10, 2013
  10. pspr


    #30     May 10, 2013