Anger management

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by polpolik, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. Nothing but helpful people on ET! :D

    well, ended up with just a bad bruise but didn't break anything. And to one of the posters, yeah I do need some kind of punching bag of some sort - that's a good idea.
    #11     Mar 17, 2008
  2. eagle


    Being consistently profitable is not enough to calm down your anger or give you happiness. It also depends whether you accept those profits or not. If your profit goal is always above/ahead what you actually gain then you will be always miss something, your goal never be realized, it's always above/ahead of you, then you will never be satisfied. So accept what you can take out of the market and not what you wish to take from the market. Then you will be always satisfied because your goal is reached it's no longer above or ahead of you.

    #12     Mar 17, 2008
  3. jsmooth


    "Serenity Now!" great.

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
    #13     Mar 17, 2008
  4. What a puss. If you can't handle your emotions you have no business trading or doing anything besides maybe playing guitar or something.

    Punching a wall? really? That was bright. Glad they screen idiots like you out of the military. Idiots that act like you get other people killed in combat.

    This isn't Braveheart, being pissed off at the market and screaming, spitting, and punching shit won't do a damn thing.

    Trading and modern combat are about efficiency, control and precision.

    If you can't help but act like a little baby throwing temper tantrums and punching inanimate objects because you're mad- perhaps you should go find something else a little more your speed. Perhaps writing poetry?

    Have fun punching walls, at least try not to abuse any small animals while you're at it, since you obviously have trouble controlling yourself when you throw a tantrum.

    God people like you kill me.
    #14     Mar 25, 2008
  5. [​IMG]
    #15     Mar 25, 2008
  6. I can't believe you said that. No one should EVER kick a dog.

    That's what cats are for!
    #16     Mar 25, 2008
  7. Even the very best traders in the world take losses.
    Its an obvious statement but one worth remembering when you start to get mad. Its how they handle the losses that can make the difference in the trades that follow. Consider that anger can place you into a state of mind thats not very condusive to making trading decisions.

    Lets put it this way...losses are inevitable no matter who you are or how profitable you are. If I'm driving down the road and some asshole cuts me off, my first split second reaction may be anger but then I realize there are always going to be a certain percentage of assholes on the road on any given day therefore getting mad does not change that mathematical fact.
    In fact.... I would be very surprised if there were not some assholes on the road because then it means I'm living in some dream world utopia and humans as a whole have a long way to go evolutionary wise before we all are very considerate of each other.

    Its no different when you are trading except that instead of assholes you are dealing with inevitable mathematical probabilities and you cant reasonably expect that every trade you make is going to be a winner otherwise you are living in a real dream world. Learn to surf the market without getting all flustered when a wave comes crashing down on you and you will be better off in the long run health wise and profit wise.

    Hope that helps.
    #17     Mar 25, 2008
  8. #18     Mar 28, 2008
  9. nlimit1


    #19     Mar 29, 2008
  10. sueellen


    I find that when I am mad I trade better as well. My bad energy comes out and I feel relaxed.
    #20     Mar 30, 2008