Anderson Cooper to GOP Senator: You Have ‘Very Scary Hypotheticals’ But No Proof

Discussion in 'Politics' started by exGOPer, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. I don't know, jem, I really don't. I am not a sore winner as some say, and you aren't a loser of any kind that I can see. We disagree on politics, duh, but we can discuss things.

    My understanding is that there is no legal precedent wherein the UN has forced the U.S. to do anything, or if there is a chance going forward. I think setting a standard to help other Countries say 'we qualified our disabled access per UN standards' in lieu of saying 'per U. S. standards' as a way to maintain their sovereign state or whatever, why not? Just a way to give a path for others to follow, much like we thought we were doing when we were 'spreading Democracy around the world.' My thoughts anyway.
    #11     Dec 8, 2012
  2. jem


    Just wait someday we will have a leftist court and the court will tell us, that UN committee they are correct... you are no longer allowed to exercise you free speech rights... because____________ and it covered by this act or some other similar gives you a happy feeling U.N. treaty.

    Or you can't teach your kid that.. because this is what is taught at school.... so says the committee.

    Or as Santorum warned.... he might not be able to home school his disabled child.
    #12     Dec 8, 2012
  3. So the Supreme Court is going to outlaw the 1st amendment.
    Like the fellow said, "irrational, delusional, paranoid"

    Here's what's going to happen. The treaty is irrelevant. Who the fuck cares. But the country is going to heal, grow,and prosper. All you idiots who are screaming (nay, praying) that our demise must be inevitable for having elected Obama twice, are going to be consigned to the dustbin of of cyber-history. Your voices won't even be preserved in a physical medium. Time will advance, change will happen, the economy will grow, and you will be alone, lost, and thwarted, left only with your fantasies.

    Hey asshole, you don't like what the school teaches your kid. Do what I did. Send your kids to private school.
    #13     Dec 8, 2012
  4. Ricter


    According to AAA we already do, so one of you two is wrong.
    #14     Dec 8, 2012
  5. "Or as Santorum warned....."

    LOL.....quoting Santorum!? The guy who prides himself on being ignorant and knocks "smart people" and calls those who would like to be educated "snobs"? Santorum is the figurehead of the ignorant, irrational, delusional and paranoid right.

    Is the dumb half of the country ever going to move past this kind of anti-science, isolationist, xenophobic idiocy?
    #15     Dec 9, 2012
  6. jem


    Could you all be any more ignorant of the law.

    How many of you are already in favor of hate crime laws and hate speech laws.
    (designed to rip you 1st amendment rights out)
    designed to punish bias... (thought and speech)

    I bet everyone of you lefties has already signed on to those ideas.

    Your first amendment rights are already being stripped and you are sitting here casting ad homs instead of thinking.
    #16     Dec 9, 2012
  7. jem


    hey asswipe... I am not worried about what they are teaching my kids as much as I am concerned about what they were teaching people like you and your kids when they should not be teaching with a bias.

    guy like you probably like seeing kids get indoctrinated by the teachers union video showing rich people pissing on the poor.

    #17     Dec 9, 2012