Analyst Predicts One Million Ron Paul Supporters Online by 2008

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sihastru, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. I have and a lot of my friends here in Austin, TX have too. Talk is cheap, financial backing and grassroots support (volunteering time) is the key.
    #41     Jun 12, 2007
  2. man


    your point of view is supported 99% of time. that is the
    strength but as well the weakness of your argument.
    you assume the 1% does not exist. which is plain wrong.

    while i believe that you are basically right about the
    size of projects and the likelihood of getting them through
    i could imagine there are quite some hidden supporters
    who pop up once things gain momentum. but sure,
    all this is within the 1% case ...
    #42     Jun 12, 2007
  3. Why don't you lead by example?

    Ron Paul is the reason I actually bothered to fill out a voter registration card. And now that you have mentioned it, maybe I should make a donation and maybe volunteer. At the least, I can spread the word and I have.

    The media hates him, that fascist Giuliani hates him, odds are against him, but it's worth it just to make a statement. He stands for the issues that truly matter.

    It's one thing to stay undecided when there are no real candidates, just a dog & pony show. But this is not the case.
    #43     Jun 12, 2007
  4. man


    rupert murdoch and fox news is a real threat to the USA
    in my opinion. and consequently to this very planet. the
    fact that bill o'reilly was allowed to do what he did in
    public for so long is inexcusable. fox is the modern
    version of nazi-propaganda and i am aware of what i am
    saying. very, very concerning. like the pact between
    republicans and evangelicals.
    #44     Jun 12, 2007
  5. If Dr. Paul can even just reverse the creeping fascism and damage to the Constitution - that alone would be worth supporting him. If he gets anything else done, fine.

    It's funny. Similar scenario played out in the late 60s early 70s. Bad war, bad president, military-industrial complex, ideologues hijacking the government and the people under 30 leading a charge for change. This time it's the echo-boomers.

    I'm hearing of a lot of people turning out for Dr. Paul's events and a lot of people are only just starting to notice him since he appeared on the debates and Rudy McRomney attacked him. Then they go on the net and read up on his views.

    He's changing the national dialog. The old "terrorism" canards just don't fly anymore.

    BTW - anyone interested should go read up on what happened after the Reichstag bombing and subsequent passing of the enablement laws in Germany - for the protection of the German people - which allowed Adolph to seize absolute power in Germany. Very interesting how they resemble things getting passed today. There's just nothing new under the sun.

    But it could never happen in America, right?
    #45     Jun 12, 2007
  6. In other words, its probable that the majority of Paul supporters are not registered voters.

    My prediction stands: Paul will be out of the race before summer is over.

    #46     Jun 12, 2007
  7. you crack me up Old Man.

    #47     Jun 12, 2007
  8. Wow !! You are to be commended there Ratboy.

    It's a rare person that gets involved in politics when they're only 6 yrs old....
    #48     Jun 12, 2007
  9. Maverick74


    Here's an interesting question. I'm surprised this has not come up yet. Let's say Ron Paul get's the nomination. Who does he select as his running mate? Since most of you hate all the candidates out there, this could pose a problem.
    #49     Jun 12, 2007
  10. He isn't getting the nomination and he will run as an Independent. Which I assume is possible even though he is a Republican.
    #50     Jun 12, 2007