Analyst Predicts One Million Ron Paul Supporters Online by 2008

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sihastru, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. unreal... myspace geeks? trust me.. the real "geeks" at fought us like hell. they kicked and screamed and tried to bury us but finally were overwhelmed.
    #21     Jun 11, 2007
  2. Maverick74


    Ratboy, I applaud your enthusiasm but your suspicions are unfounded. I am not trying to paint anything of Paul. I accurately pointed out that while Ron Paul has a cult like following among young people, as Howard Dean did in 04, that will not translate into votes if these young people do not financially support him and even bother to show up to vote. His 5 million is not enough Ratboy and you know that. Yes, it may have surprised his people (of course they are going to say that, it's called spinning) but we both know that even though we live in the internet era, money is still money, and it usually speaks the loudest.

    I am undecided. I may not even vote. I have no interest in any of the candidates. So asking me who i like is pointless if I have no interest in them. I would like to see more debates and have these guys go after each other more and stop being such kiss asses to each other. And yes Ratboy, there are other candidates that have not yet entered the race. Ever heard of Michael Bloomberg? Not that I would support him either.

    The candidate I wanted to get behind is not in the race and is not even a Republican.
    #22     Jun 11, 2007
  3. first of all Ron Paul has said this has surprised him.. that is not spin.. Ron doesn't spin. his following is the farthest thing from being cult like. that is media spin. spamming is sour grapes spin. bloomberg is a joke... and al gore will probably announce and win the dem nomination. but mav will be sitting at home not doing anything.

    so keep criticizing and sitting on your butt doing nothing opining on ET. when you are paying a global carbon tax don't blame us ron paul geek myspace cult spamming members, we tried.
    #23     Jun 11, 2007
  4. Maverick74


    OK Ratboy, we have a deal. I won't blame the Paul-heads if Al gore gets elected and institutes a carbon tax.

    BTW, I don't think Al Gore has any chance of getting elected. And Ratboy, every other candidate is not a joke if they are not Ron Paul. Try to be a little more open minded.
    #24     Jun 11, 2007
  5. yes they are... thats why you aren't supporting any of them.

    and Al Gore is not only going to run but he is going to win the dem nomination... i thought it was going to be hillary but as i see the globalist whine about carbon i know where this is headed.

    so name one candidate that isnt a joke.
    #25     Jun 11, 2007
  6. Sihastru


    Volume of Pro-Ron Paul Calls Shut GOP Call Center?

    Monday, June 11, 2007 -

    When presidential candidate Ron Paul's (R-Tex) campaign manager Lew Moore visited Utah, he told supporters that Ron Paul's support was swelling dramatically and cited two incidents, according to "Utahns for Ron Paul."

    First, he reported New Hampshire report for Ron Paul is strong and deep. "At a New Hampshire rally a week or so ago, over 400 people showed up to support Ron Paul which was 50% more than any other candidate, including Barack Obama. A reporter who had been at the same location to report on each of the other candidates told Lew that this group was twice as energetic as any of the other candidates' supporters."

    Second, Ron Paul's support shut down the GOP call center, when some top GOP-ers threatened to ban him from the debates. "The Republican National Committee received nearly 20,000 phone calls in support of Ron Paul within 24 hours and had to shut down their call center. They had to call Ron Paul's committee and plead with them to announce immediately that Ron Paul was without a doubt invited to the debate, and ask them to please make the announcement to his supporters so they would stop calling."
    #26     Jun 11, 2007

  7. lol wow that's great
    #27     Jun 11, 2007
  8. man


    right, right. i forgot, fox is fair an balanced. you must be
    kidding. george walker would not exist anymore, not to
    speak of his presidency ...
    #28     Jun 11, 2007
  9. maybe murdoch just supports the candidate he feels will produce as much divisive talk show content as possible. it certainly seems a big switch from gw to hillary
    #29     Jun 11, 2007
  10. What do you not like about Ron Paul?
    #30     Jun 11, 2007