An Obama Spending Spree? Hardly

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, May 23, 2012.

  1. I concur. It's only May and this is the sort of shit they're using. This is the sort of desperate, last minute shit you use when you're in the eleventh hour of a losing battle.
    #21     May 24, 2012
  2. Mav88


    but watch, it may work because the electorate is stupid...

    I expected better from the president, shame on me
    #22     May 24, 2012
  3. you guys sound like a bunch of chickens clucking:

    "Obama came into office "with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. ... We came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade."
    Barack Obama on Friday, January 29th, 2010 in a Republican retreat in Baltimore"

    Politifact:The Truth-O-Meter Says:
    Obama's numbers are fairly solid, so we rate his statement Mostly True.
    #23     May 24, 2012
  4. Keep talking FT. Youre refuting your Fox news people are dumber thread the more you talk.
    #24     May 24, 2012
  5. Mav88


    why do you need a 'truth-o-meter'? can't you check under the hood for yourself? too hard?

    Obama spoke in support of, and voted for, the TARP and Fannie bailouts as a senator. He didn't 'inherit' them, he was part of them. Secondly, he signed the final 2009 budget therefore it is his despite his lack of owning the responsibility, he could have easily joined with republicans in spring 2009 and reduced it. Third, CBO includes subsidy costs for Fannie and Freddie while usually the white house and congress don't, however it was convienient for demos to include it in the 'inherited' budget so they did it (more dishonesty).

    2008 458B deficit + loss of revenue + other bush requests = 960B dollar deficit 2009. All the rest is Obama and his stimulus, and he was free to reduce it if he chose to do so. So is the man powerless to do anything about what he 'inherited'? are budgets simply something Barack obama has no control of? Are you and demos not simply pathetic in your attempts to pin blame on republicans?

    I say this: A. demos must conclude there is a budget problem or they would not be making claims about inheriting a problem. B. While in power they have done nothing about it except make it worse, therefore, C. the only logical course of action is to vote for people who will actually do something about the problem instead of talk about who is to blame for it
    #25     May 24, 2012
  6. Mav88


    Side note- it is interesting... Wiki has changed their sites I listed, they used to include the actual numbers Obama signed into law, now they just have Bush's request. I remember now since I looked at those sites about a year ago. A political move? I think so

    The essence is still there- Bush's budget request was 3.107T, the law signed by Obama was 3.518T. $400B of the deficit belongs solely to Obama and the demos, and the things like TARP and fannie bailouts are shared between democrats and Bush (congressional republicans opposed).

    I am amazed that the democrats are now campaigning against their own budgets when they fought so hard to get them in the first place.
    #26     May 24, 2012
  7. tarp was probably necessary but only because bush policies blew up the economy. so yes he inherited it because of bush policies.
    #27     May 24, 2012
  8. Use the Obama's own Office of Management and Budget data. Table 1.1, federal spending in 2012 is expected to be almost $3.8 trillion. That is the highest in history, peacetime or wartime. In fact, it is more than the cumulative total of all years from 1789 through 1974, the first 186 years of our country's existence.
    #28     May 24, 2012
  9. Mav88


    tax cuts blew up the economy? then why did Obama have them in stimulus? Why didn't demos undo them? Why then doesn't Obama proudly own the 2009 deficit if it was necessary?
    #29     May 24, 2012
  10. Lucrum


    And why is Pelosi advocating more of them?
    #30     May 24, 2012