An educator trains people scammed by other educators

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by guru, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. guru


    New promo from Anton Kreil, showcasing traders that lost money due to being trained "improperly" and now needing to attend his own education camp:
  2. dozu888


    Didn’t watch. But age old trick to gain street credit by discrediting the competition
    Real Money likes this.
  3. Dollar signs all over the screen, hash tag "winning", and sunglass wearing idiots. What else are clear giveaways that this is just another scam? The only thing that surprises me is where the hookers are that are generally waiting a floor below. I really wonder whether only American are so fuxxing dumb to fall for those scams or whether other cultures are equally affected? How come none such (or almost none) seminars at thousands a pop are offered in Japan, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, France.

    jys78 likes this.
  4. gaussian


    The US government affords very little protection to people with regard to scams and fraud. Hell, it's not only illegal it's practically encouraged to sell people's private information on the grey market here. 11/12 phone calls I received this week were scammers and fraudsters. My mail always has fliers for free dinners hosted by fraudsters, or dubious and misleading mail making you think you have a package waiting or owe someone money. As long as you're only scamming private citizens and making sure you're paying your taxes you can do just about anything you want.
  5. I've always been puzzled why would people want to pay thousands to attend short courses that last only a few days when they get essentially the same materials from cheap books and free internet websites/forums?
  6. This is the best trading advice I've heard regarding these get-rich courses.

    GRULSTMRNN and beginner66 like this.
  7. Who do you think makes more money in this world: a brilliant scientist who has a world-changing idea but is unable to communicate it, or a huckster with a mile-long line of compelling bullshit with zero actual value behind it?

    Cheap books and free websites don't spend millions of dollars getting people hooked on the idea of "get rich quick".
    remogul92 and SimpleMeLike like this.
  8. traderob


    Anton Kreil is a famous scammer right?
  9. fan27


    I don't put Anton Kreil's education services in the category of scam because what I have seen of it, he does make outrages claims in terms of potential returns and encourages people to keep their day job. Does he sell information that someone could otherwise get for free? Probably. Are his services over priced? Most certainly. Is it a scam? I say no.
  10. maxinger


    soon ...
    An ultimate educator trains people scammed by other educators who have been scammed by other educators.

    I have been scammed many times.

    The most difficult part is how to decontaminate your mind,
    how to unlearn what you have learnt,
    how to detox your mind due to those wrong teachings.
    I took me many years just to do these.

    And finally learn how to trade on your own with non contaminate mind.

    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
    #10     Sep 23, 2019
    Nobert, traderob, Turveyd and 2 others like this.