An Easy Test To Decide Your Position On Illegal Immigration

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Thanks to Ann Coulter for clarifying the confusing debate over illegal immigration.


    If you're not sure how you feel about illegal immigration, ask yourself this: "Do I have a nanny, a maid, a pool boy, a chauffeur, a cook or a business requiring lots of cheap labor that the rest of America will have to subsidize with social services to make up for the wages I'm paying?" Press "1" to answer in English.

    If the answer is "no," illegal immigration is a bad deal for you. Cheap labor is cheap only for the employer.

    Today, 70 percent of illegal immigrant households collect government benefits -- as do 57 percent of all immigrant households -- compared to 39 percent of native households.

    Immigrant households with the highest rate of government assistance are from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (tied at 75 percent), based on the latest available data from 2009. Immigrant households least likely to be on any welfare program are from the United Kingdom (7 percent).

    British immigrants aren't picking the tomatoes Karl Rove doesn't want his son to pick. (That's how he justified Bush's amnesty proposal.)

    You can either pay a little more for tomatoes picked by Americans or you can pay a lot more in welfare to the illegal immigrants who will pick them as well as to generations of their descendants.

    Yes, many illegal immigrants work hard, but it's not our responsibility if their employers don't pay them a living wage. This is known as an "externality," which we hear a lot about in the case of greedy businesses polluting the land, but not when it's greedy businesses making the rest of us support their underpaid employees.
  2. I can't believe Ann Coulter has been getting her shit together recently. She sounds so coherent and logical! Is this actually her???
  3. I'll happily pay more for my BLT and the used to be unemployed white guy that now mows my lawn,( 3 years now), gets my money.
    If I remember I wrote here about this lawn guy. Lost his job in the steel mill and came around with his newly started lawn business. Few of us on the block gave our business to him and convinced others who had a lawn service to change over to him.
    I'm assuming he's doing well cause every time I pay him he pulls out a wad of cash that would choke a cow. Now that's what we need more of in this country.
  4. the solution is simple. put the employers in jail. not the poor desperate workers. illegal immigration would end overnight.

    i am sure if obama proposed something like that there would be the usual suspects on the right claiming government intrusion.
  5. What shes really saying is we republicans should keep people of color out of The US.
  6. Lucrum


    Just the illegals ones.
  7. +1,but that would punish the republican white guy not the brown guy.She cant support that
  8. Ann had to throw this in there so she wasn't just attacking illegal immigrants

    "as do 57 percent of all immigrant households -- compared to 39 percent of native households."
  9. Lucrum


    And you'd be wrong, as usual. It IS the government's job to protest our borders.
    In fact many of the conservatives that you despise right here including me have mentioned holding the employers accountable repeatedly in the past.

    Don't worry your little pointy head over it though. Obama would never suggest let alone implement such a move.
  10. You can either pay a little more for tomatoes picked by Americans or you can pay a lot more in welfare to the illegal immigrants who will pick them as well as to generations of their descendants.


    I rather use an immigrant and buy a cheaper tomato, then lobby for a tax break to cut down the amount of taxes I pay for welfare.

    Then the gov't can raise the debt ceiling.
    #10     Apr 26, 2012